King's Business - 1920-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S (Isa. 41:14-16): _|“ Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument, having teeth; thou shalt thresh the mountains, and heat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff. Thou shalt fan them, and the wind shall carry them away, and the whirl­ wind shall scatter them; and thou shalt rejoice in the Lord, and shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel.” “ The sword of the Lord” ,—-that is the Divine side, “ and Gideon” ,— that is the human side; and it is these two united that will win the battle. What do we need then? The Word of God. The declaration of the Gospel which is the power of God unto salva­ tion. The vessels of earth,— broken that the light may shine out. Surrendered men and women, willing to be obedient to the Word of God. The outshining of, the life of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. The shout of victory. The scattering of the enemy. PRACTICAL POINTS. <1) For the little flock God keeps the kingdom. (2) When God leads, two can put ten thousand to flight. (3) With God it is quality, not quan­ tity. (4) When it is a mixed multitude, it is “ too many.” (5) God’s election is a selection. (6) God’s order is— loins girt— lights burning— quit you like men— be strong! (7) It is always safe to count the cost before the battle. (8) The Word of God is a sword, and Prompt action. Implicit faith. Inspiring method.

you can use it, too. (9) The Word of God is a trumpet; don’t blow your own horn— blow the bugle. (10) Gideon had a humble beginning, but a heroic ending. (11) There were no backsliders in Gideon’s three hundred. Subject Illustration—Victory. Charles N. Douglas said, “ A victory won over self, is the only victory ac­ ceptable to God,” and another has said, “ that he. who has conquered his own spirit has con- LESSON quered the whole ILLUSTRATIONS outward world.” W. H. Pike Dr. G o r d o n used to tell of two little saplings that grew side by side. Through the action of the wind the bark of each became grounded and the sap began to mingle until in time they became united. Then the stronger began to absorb the life of the weaker, and now there are two trunks at the base of the tree and only one above the place of union— death has taken one away, the life of the other has tri­ umphed. So the life of Jesus triumphs over the self-life till only likeness to Christ is seen. Separation Led to Victory. Ki-San-Lone, a converted Chinese, when on a visit to America, was much affected by the little difference he saw between Christians and worldlings, and referring to the matter, said, “When the disciples in my country come out of the world, they come clear out.” The saved are exhorted to “ come clear out from the unsaved.” There was no great victory for Gideon as long as he had that multitude of unbelievers with him. God Uses Small Things to Work Great Results. “ Are you'not afraid, mother?” asked

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