T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S gathered a large army ready to go out and fight the enemy. Then God told Gideon his army was too big, for if such a big army should go to the bat tle and gain the victory, they would say they had gained the victory by their own strength, and would not think that God had gained it for them. The Lord commanded Gideon to tell the men in his army that all who felt afraid might go back to their homes. When the men heard this it looked like they were all going home for so many went. Then what do you think God said to Gideon when He saw the men that were left? He told him there were still too many. (Tell how God cut it down to 300 men.) Now what was one man going to do with only 300 men, for the army of the enemy lay along the valley like grass hoppers— there were so many of them-^g and they had ^o many camels you could not count them. Now our soldiers to day carry guns and swords to fight with, but just listen and see what Gideon’s army of 300 men carried. Gideon gave to each man a trumpet or horn to blow, a pitcher and a torchlight, and told them to put the light in the pitcher. When it was night and the enemy were sleeping and all was dark and quiet, Gideon took his 300 men and very quietly slipped^ down to the place where the enemy were. Then Gideon divided his 300 men into three groups, and told them to watch him and do just as he did. Then suddenly in the middle of the night they all blew with their trumpets, and broke the pitchers that were in their hands, and all cried aloud at once, The sword of the Lord and of Gideon. Just think how the sleeping soldiers would be frightened when awakened out of a sound sleep by the blowing of 300 trumpets, the breaking of 300 large pitchers, 300 lighted torches flashing out and 300 men shouting. When the enemy army heard the great noise and saw the burning torches that had before been hidden in the pitchers, they cried
403 with fear and ran. For the Lord made them afraid of the men of Israel, and afraid of each other also, so that they fought among themselves and killed each other. Gideon and his 300 men gained a great victory for God was with them. The enemy was driven <5ut of the land and the people of Israel could live in peace and happiness. Gideon did not need a big army for God was on his side, and God is stronger than all the armies in the world. If God is with us, no one can be against us, for they can not fight against God. Our memory verse tells us something very wonder ful and I am going to say it over to you and then you will say it after me. We want to always remember this verse for it will help us when sometimes we are afraid. If God is for us, who is against us? Let us say it. We learn by these wonderful stories that God is only for those who love Him and do the things He asks them to do, so we want to al ways be on God’s side and do the things that are pleasing to Him. Closing Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, we thank Thee for the Bible to tell us of the brave, faithful men who loved God and obeyed Him, and make us brave, too. A GREAT TEST f w iH ’c F o o lish n e ss,, M a n ’c W i s d o m UUU5 W e a K n e s s V<5' ld,,5Strength lC o r .|:25 E c c l. 9 :| 6 - I 8 . MEN Innumerable Pitchers i Well 000Torches £ Equipped Trumpets u M E N & Voices P StocK . 9t There is no restraint to Jehovah-«K1'1- There is a great difference between the reading that leads away from the Bible and that which leads to it. There are multitudes whose Bibles are red only on the edges.
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