Dail;9 Devotional Home Readings Connected with International Sunday? School Lessons B S FREDERIC W . FARR , D. D.
THURSDAY, April 1. Acts 3:1-11. Peter and John’s Ministry. The efficiency of both Peter and John was doubtless very much increased by the influence of each upon the other. Their/mutual friendship was a com manding factor in their Christian life and work. The statement that they were going up together to the temple to pray, suggests the possible fulfillment of Matt. 18:19 in their united suppli cation. While the healing of the lame man seems an incidental wayside min istry with Peter as the prominent actor, nevertheless^ John must be looked upon as a silent partner in the transaction as Peter’s use of the plural pronouns in Acts 3:12 indicates. John’s sympathetic co-operation must have been a rein forcement to Peter’s outspoken daring faith. Jesus sent His disciples out two by two. The wisdom of this is seen in multiplied results. “ One shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thou sand to flight.” Deut. 32:30. FRIDAY, April 2. Acts 3:12-18. Peter and John’s Power. Peter publicly emphatically dis claimed the possession of any power or virtue of his own. He was only the in strument in the »hands of the risen Lord, an empty channel through which flowed the healing power of Christ. We have no more power than Peter had but no less of a Saviour also and no man can work like Him. We are helpless, weak and empty and apart from Him we can do nothing. He only needs a suitable receptacle, He only seeks an empty channel, a yielded life and a re sponsive faith. Then the only limit to the exercise of His Divine power is the
good pleasure of His will, guided by infinite wisdom and prompted by ever lasting love. SATURDAY, April 3. John 21:18-25. Peter and John’s Traditional End. The only historic and trustworthy ac count of the death of any of the twelve Apostles is that of James, the brother of John, whom Herod slew. Acts 12:2. Tradition reports that Peter suffered martyrdom by crucifixion, requesting before he died that he might be crucified head downward because he felt un worthy to suffer even after the outward semblance of his Lord. Tradition also declares that John was the only one of the twelve to die a natural death and survive the first century as pastor of the church at Ephesus. It is said that in his extreme old age after he was too feeble to walk, he would be brought into the presence of the assembled con gregation on the shoulders of the young men and lifting his trembling hands, would say, “ Little children, love one another,” thus repeating and enforcing the teaching of a lifetime and justifying his title of the apostle of love. SUNDAY, April 4. Judges 2:6-23. Israel Ruled by Judges. Joshua had’brought the Israelites into Canaan,and divided the land among the tribes. He faithfully warned the people against forsaking God. The lessons fol lowing show the untrustworthiness of man and the abounding mercy of God in calling them to repentance and giv ing deliverance from their oppressors when they cried unto Him. Israel was inconstant and disobedient. They wor shipped heathen deities and departed
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