King's Business - 1920-04

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S WANTED—CHRISTIAN MEN AND WOMEN to * Sell Scripture Text Mottos, Bibles, and other Evangelistic Christian Literature. BOOHER PUBLISHING HOUSE, 4306 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. PREPARED OBJECT LESSONS—Do you preach to children? If you do, try the “Seeing Truth” object packets. Objects and direc­ tions in each packet. Send 10c for a sample packet and the tract called “How to Preach to Children.” Address Rev. C. H. Woblston, D.D., 1242 Marlboro St., Philadelphia, Pa. STAMMERING St- Stu-t -t-tering “ red8If l « ' & structive booklet free. Walter McDonnell, 136 Potomac Bank Building, Washington, D. C. Bolshevic Converted In Street Meetings in New York City E 3 E 3 Would you like to have a representative preaching the Gospel to them, or support a few meetings? If so writel Arthur J. Smith, Evan­ gelistic Committee, 545 Lexington Avenue, New York City.



Large Edition, $2.50 Small Edition, $2.00 Contains all Scofield ( helps of more expensive binding ARE CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS CHRISTIANS? Treated as follows: Are there any good people among Christian Scientists ? Will all Christian Scientists go to hell? Are Christian Scientists saved? 8 pages—4c each—30c dozen 100 Assorted Gospel Tracts, Cards and Blotters, 20 c Stamps acceptable PIONEER TRACT SOCIETY 813 Hannah Ave. Oak Park, 111. THE CURRENT REVIVAL OF S P I R I TUAL I SM (b y A . P. F itt)

appears in the M arch issue o f the RECORD OF CHRISTIAN WORK. M onthly m essages from the N orthfield p latform , w orld -w id e “ R eligiou s T h ou gh t an d Activity,** and oth er departm ents. $ 2 .0 0 a y e a r; p osta g e extra to C anada 25 cexits, to oth er fo re ig n lands 5 0 cents. T ria l su bscription, fo u r issues fo r 50 cents. A d d ress: Box 574, East Northfield, Mass. plllllllllllllllillll!illllll!llllllllllll!llll!llllillll!lllllllllllllll!l!lllllllllllllllllllillllill!llillllll I SPECIAL OFFER DR. D. B. TOWNER*S LATEST BOOK “ SONGS of the GREAT SALVATION ” The next 10,000 copies^ at special prices. Manila, $15.00 per 100; Cloth, $21.50 per 100, express not prepaid. ^Single copies, 20 and 30 cents. Devout, Inspirational, Dispensational, Evangelistic, Patriotic, Different. Send quantity orders at once jA you want to get in on Special Offer. Chicago Agency, Bible Institute Colportage Association. THE RUNYAN MUSIC PUB. CO. 1803 University Ave. Wichita, Kansas i iiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiiiiniii AS A THIEF—AS THE LIGHTNING Address delivered by JAMES OSTEMA During a Prophetic Conference conducted by him at the St. Louis Gospel Center during the fall of 1919. all who need, a simple statement of this

Rev. William Colby, Executive Secre­ tary for The Alliance for the Evangeliza­ tion of Russia, says: “Thank you for sending me advance copy of Mr. James Ostema’s New pamphlet entitled, ‘As a Thief—As the Lightning.’ “I have read it with much interest and am sure that it will be very helpful to

great difference in Truth. “Mr. Otsema rightly divides the Word of Truth and is a safe teacher of the Di­ vine Oracles. “I trust, most sincerely, that a great number of these pamphlets may be dis­ tributed and am sure the Holy Spirti can use it to magnify the Christ of God.”

Price 10 cents; special prices in quantities.


4306 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.


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