T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 343 the American people have béen buncoed along this line once before, and there is nothing new about it. We are also informed that in your own coun try the renowned magicians, Mashelyn and Devant of London, have freely offered to duplicate the scientific results you have obtained, and go you something better. ^Sir Oliver, wé dislike to hurt your kindly heart, but we must do it in the interest of Science. The devil is at his old game, and has been putting something over you. The devil ought to be ashamed of him self, but he has no shame. He is a liar and a deceiver and he is a scientist, too, probably one of the highest order, seeing that he has been in the busi ness for thousands of years, and has the data of ages. He enjoys playing upon the fancies of the gullible for he is a humorist, also, and no doubt but that he has had many a laugh on the gullibility of our modem scholars. He has the. chair in Biblical interpretation in many a school and seminary, and has the laugh on the learned. Never mind, Sir Oliver, don’t worry. You aré not the only one who is or has been fooled. We are all sorry for you, but no use of crying oyer spilt milk. We have had the same experience. The devil has played his game on us all. We want to comfort you, Sir Oliver, and tell you how we have known people to be helped in such a trying hour. Just get an English Bible and read a few verses. You see God hath spoken along this line. Of course, you have been so busy, you didn’t think of that. Sbience is so alluring and so absorbing, you didn’t know that God had given a warning along this line, and had hung out a red flag so that people could steer clear of the devil’s-trap, but you will find it all in the Book. Let us turn on the light and we will see what God will reveal. There are evil spirits and they play havoc with the minds and souls of men. There is no record of good spirits returning from heaven, and no need for them to do so. There are but two ends of life’s road. One leads to heaven and one to hell. Read 1 Jno. 4 :1, Deut. 18:9-12, Lev. 20:27 and I Chron. 10:13. "We will pray for you, Sir Oliver, and trust that you may be wise enough to let God’s Word settle all spirit and spiritist matters for you. - T. C. H. T h e LION Won’t Lie Down With The Lamb In our Easter number, 1919, we made the following assertion in an editorial, Gradually people are going to forget those eloquent war sermons in which they were told of the glorified earth that was to be made possible by victory over the Hun. We shall find that even though Germany is out of the game the Huh in human nature is anything but dead. Must God by another demonstration prove to the world that the human heart untouched by the Spirit of God through Jesus Christ is a helpless thing?” We quote from “ The Lutheran” , a weekly paper, a rather humiliating confession re cently made-: “We are fairly astounded when we look back over the months of the recent past and recall some of the sentiments and views for which we made ourselves re sponsible. Our tongues were suddenly seized with irrepressible eloquence. We all became in large measure marvelous prophets! and seers. We ventured the prediction that the great war with all of its sacrifice of life would thoroughly purge the seared heart of the entire nation. Glowing and highly magnified re ports came to us from France. Hardened men hitherto unresponsive to the finer impulses were throwing themselves into the strong arms of the church. The
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