King's Business - 1920-04


WANTED—Railway Mail Clerks. Men-women. Commence $110 month. Experience unneces­ sary. Common education sufficient. List po­ sitions open—free. Write iihmediately. Frank­ lin Institute, Dept. P 144, Rochester, N. Y. A Great Bible Tool It indexes, by topic and Bible text, the best you read in books, and files clippings almost automatically, THE K IN G ’S BU SIN ESS— May, 1919, pp. 424 “ It is in advance of any other system we know of for enabling one to locate the material he wants when ha wants It.” PROF. K EITH L. BROOKS of the Bible Institute,. “I am using this index and would not know how to fWj along without it. There is nothing to compare with it. DR. G RIFFITH THOMAS ‘‘During thirty-five years I have tried all sorts of plans without success. I now use Wilson's Index with such satisfaction that I bid others to ‘go and do likewise.* '* We send the Index on approval. Send for circulars. W IL S O N INDEX COM PANY B o x X . E a s t H a d d a m , C o n n . See review inThe King's Business May 1919, P. 424

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