King's Business - 1920-04

Special offer to “KING’S BUSINESS” READERS Send One Dollar an4 receive by mail, post-free, the following: The Truth About Hell (Scofield) Plain Papers on the Holy Spirit (Scofield) Vital Teachings of God’s Word (Todd) What About Evolution (Griffith-Thomas) Young People and the Church (Woodrow Wilson) Old Spain In New America (Williams) The Holy'Spirit and Missions (Evans) The Man Without a Soul (Evans) And in addition we will send ABSOLUTELY FREE to any one ordering the above, the famous calendar for 1920 OUR PRESIDENTS B calendar ris uniform in style with our famous Scripture Oa endar, but contains instead of Bible pictures, the pictures of all our Presidents from Washington to Woodrow Wilson. Front f r o m ™ Under each date is_a daily reading of quotations from the Presidents whose pictures appear for the month. On the back of the calendar is a list of the Presidents: giving the ofaoffice0m WhlCh they came; their len£th of service and the dates ALL THE BOOKS AND BOOKLETS LISTED ABOVE AND THE PRESIDENT CALENDAR FOR ONE DOLLAR THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles ^ 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

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