Christine Headwear 2021 Catalog

C H R I S T I N E H E A DW E A R body balance line

3 7. 5 ® T E C H NO L OG Y

– an innovative headwear line with unique technology

37.5 ® active par ticles ensures ultimate comfor t and wellbeing

37.5 ® technology helps warm you up when you’re cold and cool you down when you’re hot

37.5 ® technology helps you maintain a comfor table personal microclimate relative humidity of 37.5%

37.5 ® technology removes sweat in the vapor stage before liquid sweat forms

37.5 ® active par ticles are derived from nature

2170 B.B. Bea Turban Wool / Polyester w. 37.5 ® Technology





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