Foreign National Agent Training

New program for foreign nationals!

Protect millions more clients with fast & easy coverage from Ethos for ITIN, EAD & visa holders

Protect millions with ITINS/Visas/EADs (coming soon)

Broad eligibility ● Coverage for most visa and EAD holders with an ITIN or SSN ● Non-visa and EAD holders with an ITIN ages 25-60 also qualify

No medical exams, no hassle Our cutting-edge technology delivers instant approvals for most applicants.

As easy as it gets! A seamless online application with easy document upload and clear, simple eligibility rules.


Preparing for a sale

Review your clientʼs eligibility in our Foreign Nationals Agent Guide Make sure they have all relevant documents ready ● SSN holders will need to upload an image of their relevant document for identity verification. ● ITIN holders will be required to complete government ID & selfie check identity verification. Start an agent-assisted application When you and your client reach the screen that asks, “Are you a citizen or permanent resident of the USA?”, choose “None of the above” to enter your clientʼs visa, EAD and/or ITIN information.

Know when more information may be requested ● Most applicants using eligible visas will enjoy instant decisions. ● For applicants using EADs or ITINs only, some manual underwriting may be required.


ITIN eligibility 3 options

Document types Conditions

Product eligibility if conditions are met

ITIN + eligible U.S. visa

See our Foreign Nationals Agent Guide for eligible visa types. If your client has both a valid, eligible visa and an EAD, use the visa.

Ethos Term – Choice Ethos IUL

ITIN + EAD (no visa)

If your client has both a valid, eligible visa and an EAD, use the visa. Clients using an EAD must meet the following conditions: ● No intention to travel outside the U.S. within two years of the issue date. ● Must have lived in the U.S. for a minimum of 18 months. ● Under regular U.S.-based medical care, and have visited their physician in the last 18 months. Applicants using only an ITIN must meet the following criteria: ● Ages 25–60 ● $40K minimum annual household income ● Resident of the U.S. for a minimum of 18 months ● No intention to travel outside the U.S. ● Under regular U.S.-based medical care, and have visited their physician in the last 18 months

Ethos Term – Choice Ethos IUL

ITIN only

Ethos Term – Choice Ethos IUL


SSN eligibility 3 options

Document types Conditions

Product eligibility if conditions are met

SSN + U.S. visa

To qualify for Ethos Term – Choice or Ethos IUL, see our Foreign Nationals Agent Guide for eligible visa types. If your client has both a valid, eligible visa and an EAD, use the visa.

Ethos Term – Choice Ethos IUL If client doesnʼt meet other eligibility criteria, they may be routed to:

● TruStage Term Life — Band 1* ● TruStage Advantage Whole Life ● TruStage Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life

SSN + EAD (no visa)

To qualify for Ethos Term – Choice or Ethos IUL, your client must meet the following conditions: ● No intention to travel outside U.S. within two years of EAD issue date. ● Must have lived in the U.S. for a minimum of 18 months. ● Under regular U.S.-based medical care, and have visited their physician in the last 18 months. ● N/A — client will be routed to TruStage Advantage Whole Life

Ethos Term – Choice Ethos IUL If client doesnʼt meet other eligibility criteria, they may be routed to:

● TruStage Term Life — Band 1* ● TruStage Advantage Whole Life ● TruStage Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life TruStage Term Life — Band 1* TruStage Advantage Whole Life TruStage Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life

SSN only

*TruStage Term Life — Band 1: Age 25–69: $5K–$100K, single risk class, no tobacco


Visa eligibility

Please see our Foreign Nationals Agent Guide for a list of eligible visa types. If your clientʼs visa type is not on this list, it is not eligible.

Examples of visas we do not accept include temporary visas issued for tourists, crewmembers and people transiting through the U.S.


Visa eligibility


Description Treaty traders Treaty investors

E-1 E-2 E-3

Australian specialty occupation workers

EB-1 EB-2 EB-3 EB-5

Priority workers, including persons with extraordinary ability, outstanding professors & researchers, multinational executives & managers

Professionals with advanced degrees or exceptional ability

Skilled workers, professionals, and other workers

Immigrant investors (investment of $1.8 million in a new commercial enterprise and creation of 10 fulltime jobs)


Unmarried sons and daughters of U.S. citizens

F-1 F-2

Academic students

Dependents of F-1 visa holders

F-2A F-2B

Spouses and children of lawful permanent residents

Unmarried sons and daughters (21 years of age and older) of lawful permanent residents

F-3 F-4

Married sons and daughters of U.S. citizens

Brothers and sisters of U.S. citizens


Specialty occupations


Free Trade Agreement workers in specialty occupations from Chile and Singapore


Nurses in health professional shortage areas


Dependents of H visa holders


Visa eligibility, cont’d.

Visa IR-1


Spouse of a U.S. citizen

J-1 K-1 K-3

Exchange visitors

Fiancé(e) of a U.S. citizen

Spouse of a U.S. citizen awaiting approval of an I130 immigrant petition

L-1A L-1B M-1 M-2

Executives and managers

Workers with specialized knowledge

Vocational students, if authorized for practical training

Dependents of M-1 visa holders

O-1 O-2 O-3 P-1 P-2 P-3 TN TD V-1

Individuals with extraordinary ability or achievement

Individuals accompanying an O1 visa holder Dependents of O1 and O2 visa holders

Internationally recognized athletes or members of an internationally recognized entertainment group.

Artists or entertainers in reciprocal exchange programs Artists or entertainers in culturally unique programs

NAFTA professionals from Canada and Mexico

Dependents of TN visa holders

Spouses of U.S. lawful permanent residents


Application flow Clients may be asked to complete multiple identity verification checks, hereʼs what to expect:

ITIN HOLDERS: Will be directed to

At the end of the application, your client will need to upload their Visa or EAD. ITIN holders will skip this step.

complete government ID upload and selfie check.

SSN HOLDERS: SSN holders who do not pass our initial verification checks, will be required to complete government ID upload and selfie check.

Youʼll be asked to enter your clients legal name, email address, and physical address.

Youʼll continue the main application with your client, answering health and lifestyle questions.


Your client will need to upload a picture of their photo ID and complete a selfie check for identity verification: Government ID upload & selfie check

Driverʼs License State ID Passport

Permanent Resident Card Non-Citizen Travel Document Visa Work Permit

Passport Card

Hereʼs what the process looks like.


Agent action ITIN holders will be asked to upload a picture of their government ID.

Identity verification is provided through our third-party partner, Persona.

For ITIN holders and some SSN holders, we require a photo of a valid government ID that includes your legal name, date of birth, and a photo.

Choose “Continue on another device” to send your client a secure email link. When your client clicks the link, theyʼll go to a page where they can take or upload a photo of their government ID.


Client photo upload Government ID should be well-lit and readable.

From here , your client will move onto the selfie verification process.

Have your client make sure their government ID is clear and readable!

Your client will be allowed to retry three times if we couldnʼt verify.


Client selfie check Client should be in a well-lit environment.

From here, your client will return to the application to: ● Complete app questions ● Complete document upload

Your client will be allowed to retry three times if we couldnʼt verify.


Client handoff Using a secure link, your client can take or upload a photo of their government ID and complete the selfie check.

Your client will receive an an email or SMS from Persona that says: “Ethos Life one-time link”.

Have them click the link to go to the secure identity verification page.

Email and SMS will be prefilled based on what you entered for your client at the beginning of the app.

Make sure your client chooses one of the government ID options listed.

Have them click “Verify identity”.


Your client will need to upload a picture of their relevant document for additional identity verification: Document upload

Visa card EAD

Hereʼs what the process looks like.

Note: ITIN holders will not be required to upload an ITIN letter and will skip this step.


Agent action At the end of the application, clients using a visa, EAD or ITIN will be asked to upload a picture of it.

For visas and EADs, clients should provide the document they indicated theyʼre using in the citizenship question.

Document verification is provided through our third-party partner, Persona.

Choose “Continue on another device” to send your client a secure email link. When your client clicks the link, theyʼll go to a page where they can take or upload a photo of their visa card.


Client handoff Using a secure link, your client can take or upload a photo of their visa card.

Your client will receive an an SMS from Persona that says: “Ethos Life one-time link”.

Have them click the link to go to the secure identity verification page.

Email and SMS will be prefilled based on what you entered for your client at the beginning of the app.

Make sure your client chooses the option that corresponds with their documentation.

Have them click “Verify identity”


Client photo upload Document should be well-lit and readable

From here, your client will return to the application to: ● Enter beneficiaries

Have your client make sure their document is clear and readable!

● Review coverage ● Submit payment


Spanish client one-pagers Tell your Spanish-speaking clients about Ethos!

● ● ● ● ●

Estate planning one-pager Term life insurance one-pager Whole life insurance one-pager

Why Ethos one-pager Living benefits one-pager


It’s go time! Start every sale with Ethos for: ● Broad eligibility for term, IUL & final expense

● 100% digital app + instant decision for most applicants ● Easy agency management with the Ethos agent portal

Your next steps: ● Bookmark the Foreign Nationals resources page ● Download the Foreign National Agent Guide ✅ Review client eligibility ✅ Set up appointments today

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