Registrar & CEO's Message This department was busy in 2017. We have been proactively reviewing both the practices of permit holders and the continuing professional development programs of members. We explained this progress extensively in our Annual Report, so please check the link box included with this article for more information. Additionally, we are revising the following three core standards over the next 18 months: • Authenticating Professional Work Products (which will enter general consultations in September) • Relying on the Work of Others and Outsourcing • Professional Practice Management Plan Many of the professional practice challenges our members and permit holders discuss with us involve these three standards, so we know this work is ex- tremely important and relevant to you. EXAMINING COMPETENCIES You can read elsewhere in this PEG about competency- based assessment (CBA), now being used by applicants seeking professional engineer or engineering licensee designations. This milestone in our registration renewal project, made possible in part by a grant from the Gov- ernment of Alberta, is an important progress marker for APEGA. CBA is making APEGA’s application process more efficient, consistent, and transparent for those who received their relevant engineering education beyond Canada’s borders. CBA engages applicants in the process, in a clear and consistent way, and it allows the Board of Examiners to compare competencies objectively. MEMBER EXPERIENCE PROJECT As part of our membership experience project, we’ve held focus groups, online sessions, and, in consultation with a reputable research organization, deployed sur- veys to gather your thoughts and opinions. Our goal is to better understand and improve your online experiences with APEGA. The two current portals are the Member Self-Service Centre and the Company Self-Service Centre. Many of you use them for a variety of functions, like updating personal information, paying invoices, and submitting documentation. We want to improve and perhaps merge the portals to become a single, outstanding platform—one that’s intuitive, innovative, and inviting.
THE THREE PILLARS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE APEGA’s three pillars of professional practice are:
• Individual practice • Corporate practice • Practice standards and guidelines APEGA’s tools and guidance in these three
pillars will allow you to be successful in meeting your professional obligations as mandated in our Code of Ethics . The Professional Practice Department provides you, the licensed professional, access to the resources to demonstrate that you’re maintaining your professional competence. Our resources allow you to increase your understanding of the practices required of APEGA professionals and what you are expected to do to “hold paramount the health, safety and welfare of the public and have regard for the environment,” as the Code of Ethics puts it.
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