2019-2020 Council Needs APEGA’s Council and Nominating Committee have identified the listed needs for the 2019-2020 Council. Potential candidates and voters should be aware of them.
Ability to review materials for comprehension and articulate questions, views, and opinions in a concise, respectful manner. Ability to clearly formulate ideas, thoughts, and important concepts in oral or written form to contribute to or advance board or committee discussions. Ability to ensure objectives are realized, resources are well managed, and the interests of stakeholders are protected and reflected in key decisions. APEGA must consider the balance between public interest, social licence to operate, established governance, and the operation of the organization. APEGA Council governs through policies establishing organizational ends and governance processes. Knowledgeof the association through involvement and interaction with APEGA (or ASET) that provide insight into the association, the membership, and stakeholders, as well as the association's challenges and successes. Demonstrated confidence and good judgment in directing the efforts of others to achieve desired outcomes, while modeling respect, commitment, integrity and accountability. Knowledge of regulations and regulatory organizations, including the purpose of regulation, gained from working with legislation, having experience being a part of a regulator, or working in a heavily regulated industry. Understanding of and experience with an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. Familiarity with the oversight of the engineering and geoscience professions in the public interest by representative members of the professions, in accordance with the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act (EGP Act). Ability to employ future-focused and big-picture thinking in a creative and strategic way. Ability to see a desirable future state, while considering the impacts of actions and decisions. Knowledge of risk management, crisis management, and the basic laws and regulations under which non-profits operate.
Effective Board Communication
Governance Experience
Knowledge about APEGA
Regulatory Understanding
Risk Management
Strategic Planning
Understanding of Self-Regulation
Work Experience
Professional experience of at least 10 years.
20 | PEG SUMMER 2018
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