Summer 2018 PEG


Permit Holder Feedback The improved practice review process has been a positive experience for APEGA and our permit holders. Following is some of the feedback we’ve received from permit holders since starting the new proactive reviews. • The review was constructive and useful, highlighting areas of practice that could be better and providing a path for improvement. • The review gave the company the opportunity to reinforce the use of its PPMP. Practice Learnings for Permit Holders During our reviews, we learned about common opportunities for improvement, regardless of the size or industry of the permit holder. • Many permit holders do not have thorough or accurate organizational charts or nominal rolls that clearly outline supervisory and technical lines of control, from members-in-training to the Chief Operating Officer. • Authentication obligations are not well understood by many licensed professionals. • Quality management and control systems that support the review of work and authentication are not well documented in PPMPs. • Project management processes are missing change-request and approval gateways. • Policies for retention and disposal of professional work products could be stronger. • Licensed professionals employed by permit • The biggest value-added was a better understanding of company strengths and opportunities, regarding structure, communication, and technical assurance and approval processes.

the expectations, obligations, and responsibilities of our licensed professionals and permit holders. Over the next three years, APEGA is reviewing and updating three core standards that will assist licensed professionals in meeting their legal and ethi- cal responsibilities. These are: • Authenticating Professional Work Products (see related story) • Relying on the Work of Others and Outsourcing • Professional Practice Management Plan In 2017, APEGA released two standards. Professional Responsibilities in Completion and Assurance of Wetland Science, Design and Engineering Work in Alberta is a new, joint standard for APEGA and nine other regulatory bodies. Evaluation of Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources for Public Disclosure is an updated standard. Practice Reviews Also in 2017, APEGA piloted a new approach to permit holder practice reviews, with APEGA and permit holders cooperating on the practice reviews. This is benefiting everyone—especially Albertans. The lessons learned from this pilot program paved the way for 26 reviews underway in 2018. What’s new about our reviews? Well, rather than focusing on the permit holder, APEGA focuses on the practices of engineering and geoscience, using requirements of the Professional Practice Management Plan (PPMP) as our guide. That’s how we identify what areas of practice could benefit from extra attention. Areas of interest we’ve identified include:

• the content of specific practice standards • the requirements and content of PPMPs • the types of professional development opportunities we offer

holders are lacking in their Continuing Professional Development Program (CPD Program) compliance.

During the process, permit holders gain a better understanding of their professional obligations, and take advantage of an opportunity to give direct and specific feedback to APEGA. And most important, everyone gains through better self-regulation, which serves the public interest.

Continuing Professional Development In a 2017 pilot project to optimize the administration of the mandatory CPD Program, we reviewed the

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