Summer 2018 PEG


Consultation Schedule Coming Soon for Authentication Standard Understanding and properly implementing authentica- tion, particularly in the online, digital space, is one of the most talked-about challenges members and permit holders face in practising the APEGA professions. To improve definitions and add clarity in this important professional role, the Authentication Standard Subject Matter Panel is reviewing APEGA's Practice Standard for Authenticating Professional Documents , which was last updated in 2013. A draft will be ready for general consultation soon, and we’ll announce in the e-PEG when it’s been posted on our website.

• defining professional work products and allowing professional members to better determine what should be authenticated • defining a new term—the Responsible Member’s validation of professional work product • standardizing authentication and validation formats to allow professional members, permit holders, and the public to easily identify the authenticator and date of authentication, and the validator and date of validation • discussing the uses of electronic and digital technology to authenticate professional work products

An intensive series of consultations across Alberta is planned for September and October, modelled after the ones we used in our legislative review. So far, sub- ject matter experts on the panel have mined their own knowledge and experience, along with that of a select group of permit holders. Changes addressed in the draft we’re finalizing now involve, among other things:

• setting requirements for authentication of professional work products imported into or exported from Alberta • providing considerations for the retention and storage of authenticated professional work products Learn from the Best in Your Industry! Gain personalized guidance from an experienced Member. Hundreds of Professional Members are waiting to meet you through APEGA’s online matching software. Become a mentee with APEGA’s Mentoring Program. Sign up at .

30 | PEG SUMMER 2018

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