President’s Notebook
within a group of talented Alberta engineers and geoscientists. It is about listening to and respecting you, so together we can tackle the challenges we face now and prepare ourselves for those that lie ahead. It is about governance and maintaining the ongoing relevance of professional self-regulation. Community building and leadership characterize what I did at the University of Calgary, both as a student and as a leader in the faculty of engineering. And it’s what I’ve done in in my efforts to relocate Tibetans from India to Canada. So, let’s build a more robust APEGA community. Then what? As I said, I don’t have all the answers. But of this I am certain: waiting around for the next oil boom is not a reasonable approach to meeting the future. I think there are fundamental changes happening right now in the Alberta and world economies, and we need to address them. Many jobs in oil and gas are not coming back. Companies, out of necessity, have become leaner and more efficient. It’s unfortunate and passion into leading, listening, and collaborating, and those are the tools I bring to the table. This job is about putting time
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