Top, a team in Edmonton celebrates reaching the gold threshold. Middle, a junior high student in Fort McMurray becomes a Seismic Sleuth, an event which had participants identify a mystery object in a box by mapping its height profile. Bottom, team members in Calgary show off their classroom challenge results: a viewing device to decode a secret message and a description of their invention to help people without all their senses.
SOCIAL MEDIA BUZZ @David44819436
The car that made it 6 and a half meters! Super lightweight design, great job guys! #SciOlympics
@Saalty_Buckets Science Olympics is fun! All of our great minds combined in the collective. Apart we are weak, together we are strong! #SciOlympics #squad @saraabbimaharaj Wahoooooo Div 1 “SpyKidz” got SILVER!!!! Thank you @APEGA_AB for hosting such a well organized event today! #SciOlympics @ WeAreLouisCBE @Metjill @CATCH_Eng Think we're getting a glimpse here at some of Alberta's future scientists, engineers, and innovators – very cool stuff, @APEGA_AB! @DiscoverE_UofA Thank you @APEGA_AB for having us at the Science Olympics! We love coming back every year! #SciOlympics
@handc_yang These P. Eng’s are ready to judge @APEGA_AB #SciOlympics today!
@Elmwood_EPSB GOLD!!! Thank you @APEGA_AB for inspiring our future scientists.
#sciolympics #stem #EPSB
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