King's Business - 1937-10

The Bible Family Magazine

OCTOBER - 1937

*And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight” (Gen. 2 :9 ).






BIOLA’ S NOONDAY BROADCAST 1 2 :1 5 -1 2 :4 5 (Please note change of station.) All the Los Angeles friends of the Institute (and others, as they may be able) will wish to join Biola’s radio audience. Speaking on “ The Revival We Need,” and giving also up-to-date news con­ cerning Biola’s work both in Los Angeles and in war-torn China, President Rood will be heard dur­ ing the noon hour over radio sta­ tion K F A C (1300 kilocycles), daily except Saturday and Sunday, from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m., begin­ ning October 4, 1937. TUNE IN— KFAC Dr. R ood will send a FREE co p y of one o f his new booklets, “ The H eav­ enly H om e,” or “ G ive G od a Chance,” to any one who requests a co p y and who furnishes his nam e and address. O nly a lim ited number o f these book­ lets are available. A ddress: President Paul W . R ood, The B ible Institute o f L os A ngeles, 558 S. H ope St., L os A n­ geles, Calif.

R ECEIVING letters like the one shown on this page, and being as­ sured in other ways of the Lord’s eternal faithfulness, we at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are praising God and going forward in the direction in which we believe He is pointing the way. As announced last month, the mem­ bers of the Board of Trustees of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, after months of prayer, thought, and plan­ ning, have felt led to act in faith and to inaugurate a thirty-three-months’ campaign along constructive lines for the restoration of Biola’s finan­ cial structure and the extension of its ministry. Taking its title in part from God’s command to the children of Israel (Ex. 14:15), the BIOLA “ GO FOR­ WARD” CAMPAIGN is undertaken in implicit trust in Him who delights to accomplish tasks humanly impossible for His own glory. For many years the Institute has been hampered in its work of training witnesses for home and for­

eign fields because of lack of funds and heavy debts. Only a concerted, prayerful effort, in full dependence upon God, will avail to lift this burden. The BIOLA “ GO FORWARD” CAMPAIGN looks toward JUNE 1, 1940, as the day on which it may please the Lord to grant the con­ summation so devoutly wished—an In­ stitute free of financial encumbrances. Two Meetings o f Great Importance Friday, October 1, has been appoint­ ed as a day of fasting and prayer, to be observed at the Institute, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles. We are par­ ticularly eager that every friend of Biola in this region shall come to this gathering. On Sunday, October 10, a mass meet­ ing is scheduled to be held in the main auditorium for the presentation of the program to be followed in the months ahead.



The proceeds of the campaign will be devoted to four specific purposes in the following order: (1) To the maintenance and opera­ tion of the Institute. (2) To the strengthening of the an­ nuity reserve fund and the keeping up o f payments to our aged annuitants. (3) To the reduction o f the Insti­ tute’s mortgage indebtedness. (4) To such extension work as may be planned. Work o f Biola The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has existed as an organized Christian work for more than twenty-nine years. During this period it has given train­ ing to more than 15,000 people. Sev­ eral hundreds of these have become missionaries, pastors, evangelists, or other full-time Christian workers, while nearly all, we believe, have exerted a spiritual influence in the life of their respective communities. In addition to its American labors, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles car­ ries on an extensive mission work, in China through the Hunan Bible Insti­ tute, located in the populous Chinese city of Changsha, in Hunan Province. Including Biola’s Chinese work, its correspondence school, and its day and evening schools, it is estimated that more than 1,000 present students and their instructors are among those who are most vitally affected by the Insti­ tute's program of extension. Freewill Giving—The Institute’s Only Resource No adequate endowment fund, no denominational subsidies, support this work which depends from day to day upon the freewill giving of God’s peo­ ple everywhere. Tuition is absolutely free, the only charge being the hos­ pitalization registration fee of $10.00 per term. Contributions to the work of the Institute may be made in at least four ways: (1) by direct giving; (2) by a 33-months’ pledge payable month­ ly; (3) by bequests or wills; and (4) by the purchase of annuities. Direct Giving ^Direct giving is divided into occa­ sional donations, 33-months’ pledges, in­ dividual pledges, pledges under the Biola Honor Roll plan (regular monthly con­ tributions o f any stated amount), and Contract Giving, under which last head may be included the transfer of property to the Institute, real or personal, during the lifetime of the donor, in Hie form of

Adm inistration building at the Hunan Bible In­ stitute, C h in a d ep a rtm e n t of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los An­ geles.

DEATH RIDES TODAY IN C H IN A I Bombs crash through fragile roofs and tear up pave­ ments on crowded streets, leaving ghastly craters filled with bleeding bodies, or— worse still— fragments of bodies! In this land of distress, there are hundreds of brave mis­ sionaries who are willing to accept any hardship for the Lord's sake. Among them are the representatives of the Hunan Bible Institute, including Dr. Frank A. Keller and Charles A. Roberts, and their families. W ILL YO U PRAY FOR TH EM ? . . . If Nanking, the present capital of China, falls to the Japanese, and Changsha becomes the nation's capital, there is great danger that the Hunan Bible Institute buildings may be com­ mandeered for government uses. PLEASE PRAY THAT © O D W ILL OVERRULE IN THIS. In the BIOLA "G O FO RW AR D " C AM PA IG N , the needs of the work in China are definitely in mind. A fund is being accumulated to be held in reserve and used should sudden need arise in Changsha. Would you not like to have a part in this provision for the missionaries' needs? To each donor, a good picture of the Hunan Bible Institute, post card size, will be mailed.

an executed gift, which passes to the Institute upon the giver’s death. Bequests Under Wills Under the direction o f Elmer J. Peterson as Business Manager, the In­ stitute maintains a staff of trained field representatives who are experts in giving advice in estate matters. The Institute’s attorney, Claude A. Watson, will, upon request, prepare wills or trusts under wills that adequately will meet the need of the individual donor. Insured Annuities The Institute is now offering what experience has proved to be the safest form of money investment on earth in the form of insured annuities, under the terms o f which a liberal rate of inter­ est is paid during the lifetime of the annuitant. All of the Institute’s annu­ ities issued under this provision will be insured by the strongest and safest of the American life insurance companies, a feature not offered by many institu­ tions in the United States. The Institute’s Conviction We have a deep conviction that the testimony of this school is greatly needed in these dark days, and we are convinced that it will be greatly to the Lord’s glory when Biola can say to all the world that God in His mercy

and faithfulness has led His people to meet His requirements for blessing and that every financial obligation has been met. Faithfully yours,

President Biola “G o Forward" Campaign Paul W. Rood, President, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.,

558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California. Dear Dr. Rood:

I hereby subscribe to the BIOLA "G O FO RW AR D " C A M P A IG N and agree to give □ monthly □ quarterly $ ................................... □ semiannually □ annually for thirty-three months (to be fully paid by June I, 1940), until the total of $ .......... has been paid. I am enclosing $ .......... to apply on this gift and pledge. (Can be paid as addition to existing Honor Roll Pledge if desired.) Address .............................................. ENROLL ME IN THE D IVISION CHECKED Honor Roll □ Radio donor □ Present student □ g g i j g f g □ Former student □ CMna donor B Name ..................................................

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Stimulated by the action of the United States Government in selecting the Life; Annuity as the basis of its Social Security Plan, 2 9 ,9 5 4 ,8 2 1 Americans have invested in Annuities within two years. When issued by the Federa l Government or one of the great life insurance com­ panies who have distributed to their contract holders more than $ 4 1 ,9 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 during the past ninety-two years, annuities have proved to be the safest form of money investment on earth. Insured Annuities purchased through the Bible Institute of Los Angeles CON­ TAIN A GIFT TO THE INSTITUTE, this gift being your recognition of your respon­ sibility as one of God's stewards. At the same time, these annuities provide you with the most secure investment and the highest income procurable from any guaranteed contract. Through our special arrangements with several leading Life Insurance Com­ panies, a large portion of your annuity payment becomes at once available for Institute needs, while you secure a liberal income CALCULATED ON THE WHOLE SUM YOU INVEST. Send today for our FREE booklet, "WHY PURCHASE AN INSURED ANNUITY?" which will tell you in detail how Christian leaders, charged with the investment of large sums for the benefit of retired clergymen, worked out the Insured Annuity, and just why it is the safest form of Christian investment ever devised. The rate is determined by your age decade, being 6 % (or more) in the sixties; 7 % (or more) in the seventies; 8 % (or more) in the eighties; but no higher for later ages. As the number of booklets available is very limited, write today before you lay aside this magazine. No obligation incurred. Address: THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. E. J. PETERSON, Business Manager 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA


October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Have You

Tried Dynamite? Before the Christian Era, the na­ tions did their utmost to exterminate the people of whom even Balaam had enough sense to say, “ How shall 1 curse whom God has not cursed?** Pharaoh tried to drown them— but God had made them waterproof. Ne­ buchadnezzar tried to burn them alive ——hut God had made them fireproof. They were thrown to the lions— but somehow the lions had no appetite. Haman tried to hang them— and once more God intervened, for they were unhangable. Rome burned them alive, drowned them by the boatload, branded their bodies with red hot iron crosses, rav­ ished them, tortured them with agonies too horrible to recite. One solution to the Jewish prob­ lem has never yet been really tried— Dynamite I And, believe it or not, it*s the only curel God says so; hear the divine statement The Gospel is the power (literally, dynamite) of God unto Salvation to every one that believeth, to the Jew first. Romans 1:16. There it is, Dynamite I If that won’t work, nothing will. We know it did work in days gone by; for it blasted Saul out of the death-dealing trenches of a thousand demons, and catapulted him bodily into the camp of a frightened and astonished little battalion of discouraged saints. And Saul the persecutor became Paul the missionary! The same dynamite works today. The story of the conquests of the Gos­ pel through your American Board of Missions to the Jews makes a page of modern day miracles that only adds splendor to the glorious record of Christian achievement. Dear child of God, have you tried God’s dynamite on the Jew? Israel’s need of the Gospel has never been greater than now. The Jewish nation faces a world crisis comparable to the days of Esther. Perhaps the Lord has brought you **to the kingdom for such a time as this.”

She S id le T am ils 3 H a ^ ! n e M otto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." —R ev . 1 :5.


October, 1937

Number 10


Around the King’s Table-— Paul W . Rood . .

. . 372

. .

“ The Word of the Cross”— J. B. Rowell . . . . . . An Interview with the Doctor— Walter Lewis Wilson . . . 374 The Messianic Psalms— William L. P e ttin g ill .............................377 Jinsaburo Lifts His Cross— Opal Leonore Gibbs . . . . 378 The Junior King’s Business— Martha S. Hooker . . . . 379 “ Truth for Students” . 381 Shall We Evangelize the Coming Conquering Army? — Kenneth M . Monroe . . 382 Bible Institute Family Circle . 384 International Lesson Commentary.........................................................386 Girls’ Query Corner — Myrtle E. Scott . . . . . . • 395 Notes on Christian Endeavor— Mary G.Goodner . . . 396 Daily Devotional Readings....................................................................... 402 World’s Christian Fundamentals Association.......................................... 410 Our Literature T a b l e .............................................................................. 414 373




ADVERTISING: For information with reference to advertising in Trite KING'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative. Religious Press Association, 1108-10 Colonial Bldg., 13th and Market Streets, Philadel­ phia, Pa., or 338 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3. 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration._________________________

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American Board o f Missions to the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop A ve., Brooklyn, N . Y. Dear Friends:

Yes, I want to help you use the dynamite o f the Gospel to bring salvation to Israel in her present dark hour. I gladly enclose $ ........................ as a bit o f fellowship in your ministry.

(a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To act as the official organ of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work, and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.

N am e...............................................................................

Address......................................................................... •


C ity................................................(State.. ..................

Los Angeles, California

558 South Hope Street

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Around the K ing's Table


cent ever attend church. Among the 13,- 000,000 Negroes in America, 7,000,000 are unchurched. There are 250,000 unchurched men, women, and children of all races in Pittsburgh; 400,000 in Cleveland; 300,000 in St. Louis; 250,000 in Seattle; 425,000 in San Francisco; 1,000,000 in Los Angeles, and 4,000,000 in New York. The unchurched of New York City are equal to the combined population of Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. These figures stagger us and reveal the need of evangelism in our country. Our blessed Lord visited the cities and villages of Galilee, and “ when he saw the multi­ tudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scat­ tered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd” (Matt. 9:36). A vision of conditions in our land should create a similar compassion in our hearts. If the compassionate Christ dwells within us, we will be “moved with compassion.” It was as He looked in pity on the needy throngs that the Lord Jesus said to His disciples: “ The harvest truly is plenteous.” In another connection, also using the figure of the harvest field, He said to them: “ Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest” (John 4:35). Our Lord wanted His dis­ ciples to have a vision of the field and a recognition of the urgency of their task. We are living in the harvest time, and the harvest is plenteous and ready for reaping. We must go out into the field and do our reaping now. The work of harvest cannot be postponed. Delay is disastrous. Har­ vesters of eternal souls have a great respon­ sibility, and they must take their labor seriously. The task is stupendous and the oppor­ tunities are many, “ but the laborers are few.” Many Christians are characterized by carelessness and lethargy. The Lord needs workers, but there are many shirkers. Many are playing when they should be praying. Many are resting when they should be wrestling. Our Lord offered a unique solution to the problem. His plan was contrary to human wisdom. He said that the prob­ lem could be solved through prayer. Today there is a great harvest ready to be reaped, but there is' a woeful lack of laborers. Therefore, in the light of Christ’s com­ mand, give yourself to prayer. Christ is the Lord of the harvest. He desires and needs the cooperation of His disciples. As we pray, laborers will be called, equipped, and sent forth. Let us pray that laborers will be raised up to evangelize unevange­ lized America!

A Philadelphia Christian A PHILADELPHIA Christian is just the opposite of a Laodicean church member. Sharply contrasted in the latter portion of Revelation 3 are two groups—“the church in Philadelphia” and “the church of the Laodiceans”—the one company receiving the approval of the Lord, and the other being rebuked and warned by Him. A Laodicean rejects the faith once for all delivered to the saints and is consequently an apostate. A Laodicean is unspiritual. He is neither cold nor hot and is conse­ quently lukewarm. He has no convictions that affect his conscience. He lacks en­ thusiasm, and he is merely neutraL A Laodicean is self-satisfied and proud. He is self-deceived and knows not that he is “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Rev. 3:17). A Lao­ dicean rejects Christ. The Lord is stand­ ing outside knocking at his heart’s door. A Philadelphia Christian is a real Chris­ tian. He has possession as well as pro­ fession. There is so much unreality and insincerity in our day that we need to emphasize the necessity for reality and sin­ cerity of personal Christian experience. Some day each one of us must leave this world and meet God. Nothing will avail in that day except a genuine experience of Christ’s saving power. Confirmation, baptism, reformation, and church member­ ship will not suffice. We must know ex­ perimentally the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ, “ the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” A Philadelphia Christian is loyal to Christ. “ Thou . . . hast not denied my name" is the Lord’s commendation of the Philadelphia church (Rev. 3:8). Peter was disloyal and denied his Lord. But a modernist not only denies but also betrays his Lord. A real Christian will confess Christ before men. It is impossible to be a true follower of the Lord without this open confession of Him. A genuine Chris­ tian will endeavor always to love Christ devotedly and to follow Him consistently. He will seek to glorify Christ in word and deed. A Philadelphia Christian will be faithful to the Word of God. “ Thou hast . . . kept my word” (v. 8). He is doctrinally sound. He believes the Bible record from cover to cover, and he contends earnest­ ly for the faith. He accepts the Bible as God’s inerrant Word and as the only rule for faith and practice. He searches the Scriptures and studies the Word of Truth. He is a Bible Christian. A Philadelphia Christian is victorious in life. God has much in store for "him that

9 A MINISTER walking on the highway ob­ served a poor man breaking stones. The man was kneeling so that he might work more ef­ fectually. In passing by and greeting him, the minister said, "Ah, John, I wish I could break the stony hearts of my hearers as easily as you are breaking those stones." "Perhaps, Pastor," he said, "you do not work on your knees." overcometh” (v. 12). The Philadelphia Christian recognizes the opportunity for victory through the indwelling Christ, and he surrenders himself to the Lordship of Christ. The name “Philadelphia” means “brotherly love,” and a Philadelphia Chris- tion has the love of God shed abroad in his heart, with the result that he can love his brethren. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he separates himself from all known evil, and he lives in unbroken fellowship with the Lord. A Philadelphia Christian is zealous in service. The Lord says to him: “ I have set before thee an open door ” (v. 8). The Philadelphia Christian enters through the open door of opportunity and gives him­ self to the work of evangelism. We have been warned rightly that we must evangel­ ize or fossilize. We are called to witness for Christ and to win souls for the Lord. He wants not only our souls for eternal joy but also our service through the passing days. Souls are perishing, time is fleeting, and we must pray, weep, and yearn for those who know not Christ. A Philadelphia Christian is looking for the return of the Lord. The glorified Christ is saying to him: "Behold, 1 come quickly” (v. 11). Christ is coming, and the Scripturally instructed and spiritually minded Christian is living and working in the light of the “blessed hope.” As he retires at night, he says, “This might be the night when Christ will return.” And when he awakens in the morning, he says, “This might be the day when the Lord will come.” God grant that every reader of T he K ing ’ s B usiness may be loyal to Christ, faithful to the Word, victorious in life, zealous in service, and looking for the second coming of Christ. Unevangelized America C. F. Wimberly in a recent article point­ ed out some appalling facts as to the religious conditions in America. Only eight per cent of the people of our nation attend services on Sunday morning, and but two per cent on Sunday evening. About forty per cent of the American people are on church registers, but only twenty-nine per

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


“The W ord of the Cross“

By J. B. ROWELL Victoria, B. C M Canada

"But vie preach Christ crucified” (1 Cor. 1:23). W HEN Paul penned the marvelous words contained in the opening chapter of 1 Corinthians, to whom was he writing? He was writing to the church in Corinth—Corinth with its licen­ tiousness and yet with its culture; Corinth where the Jews sought signs and wonders, and where the Greeks demanded intellec­ tual attainment; Corinth where the hate of the Jew and the scorn of the Greek were directed against the Christian faith, and where divisions and misunderstandings pre­ vailed even among the converts of Chris­ tianity. Picture this busy city, with every one seemingly given up to his own affairs. The Jew wanted to see something; the Greek wanted to reason about something. But among them was one who said: I am not come to philosophize, but I am come to “ preach Christ crucified.” In the text, that little word “ but” shows there was a con­ trast between what others preached and what Paul preached. Paul did not come to preach about Christ, but to preach Christ Himself “the power of God, and the wisdom of God.” Paul came not to preach Christ the Miracle Worker; Christ the Teacher; Christ the Good, or Christ the Example, but Christ Crucified. What did Corinth need? It needed what we all need. It needed the message of life, and the only message of life comes through the death of the Saviour. What the world needs, and what you need, is to know that “ Christ died,” and that He “died for the un­ godly.” His life was wonderful, but His death was more wonderful, for on Calvary’s cross He became the sinner’s Substitute, “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” Prevalent Mistakes Men have made many errors in relation to the question of salvation. In verse 22 of our passage, two of these mistakes are cited. The first is, substituting symbols and signs for realities: “The Jews require a sign.” Many there are who substitute an outward observance, or profession, for an inner reality. Church membership too fre­

quently is regarded as suffi­ cient proof that one is a true Christian. Baptism too often is relied upon as an evidence of one’s being a follower of Christ. But there is no sub­ stitute for the new birth. Christ is the sinner’s only hope. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). The second mistake is,

substituting intellectual conceptions for heart experience: “The Greeks seek after wis­ dom.” ■ They were trying to attain to a mental grasp of the Infinite, without yield­ ing to Him the affections of the heart and without giving obedience to His revealed will. The head can never know God while the heart rejects Him. God says that such rejectors as these “became vain in their im­ aginations [R. V., “ reasonings” ], and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Rom. 1:21, 22). The strange thing is that many deem this condition an indication of their intelligence and importance. They will accept the flickerings and vanishings of worldly wisdom which is of but momentary value, and yet proudly refuse “ Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and re­ demption”—the Gift of God, which is of eternal value, and has within it the “prom­ ise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” Two Relationships Note a literal rendering of verse 18: “ For the word of the cross is to them that are perishing foolishness; but to those who are being saved, to us, it is the power of God.” Here are seen two relationships to the cross of Christ: first, the relationship of those who “ are perishing,” and, secondly, the re­ lationship of those who “ are being saved.” Let us look first at those who adopt the first relationship and, who, as a consequence, are “perishing.” These, by their rejection of the substitutionary work of the Lord Jesus, proclaim their conception of the cross, namely, that they regard it as “fool­ ishness.” While perishing, they are pass­ ing judgment on that which they have never experienced. They are blind to its worth

and yet pronounce it to be of no value. Even while rejecting God’s method of re­ demption, the Greeks appeared to be “very religious.” When Paul spoke on Mars Hill, after seeing the objects of their worship, he said: “ Ye men of Athens, in all things I perceive that ye are very religious” (Acts 17:22, R. V.). (This is a more exact render­ ing than the word “superstitious” in the Authorized Version.) Similarly, to this day, many are willing to be religious, but they do not want the cross of Calvary with all its implications. But the message of the cross fills all Scripture. That it was necessary for Christ to die a substitutionary death if sinners were to be saved, is as clear as revelation can make it. It is easy to be religious without being a saved person. Religion can, be a cloak hiding many a spiritual deform­ ity from the gaze of men, though not from the gaze of God. Salvation can be found only in the Lord Jesus Christ. God says concerning His Son: “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among, men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts. 4:12). Not nature, but redemption, is the highest expression of the wisdom of God. This truth is stated in 1 Corinthians 1:23 and 24: “But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling-block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks,. [ Continued on page 385]

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Photo by Anderson, K. C.

An Interview with the Doctor By WALTER LEWIS W ILSON, M. D. Kansas City, Missouri

M AY God bless you, Doctor! You delight our hearts, calm our fears, restore our joys, comfort our lives, -and cheer our homes. We cannot easily do -without you; neither do we wish to do so. We are glad to have a little visit with you, Doctor, because we owe much to you. In the past, we often have come to you with our physical ailments and with our mental -distresses. You have aided us in bringing together opposing factions in. the family. You have counseled the children to care for the parents. You have advised with the parents about dealing wisely with the chil- •dren. You have been consulted about the -college work for the young man or about social problems affecting the young woman. You have known of the sins in the family, secrets known to no one else in all the world. You have kept sacred these confi­ dential conversations and have guarded ■carefully the secrets intrusted to you. Thank you, Doctor. We appreciate all these proofs ■of your care and kindness. Now, perhaps you will let the conversa­ tion turn to a matter of your own personal need: Do you not feel sometimes that you would like to pour out your heart to some -confidential friend? Are there any sins -that you would like to tell about to some

tell you whether there is fluid or air in the passage. You will take the temperature with your thermometer, and you will count the pulse. With the stethoscope, you will listen for rails in the lungs, and for any peculiarities in the heartbeat. How careful you are to ascertain fully the actual condi­ tion of the patient in order that you may treat that case successfully! You expect the patient to submit himself to you for a thorough examination, and you would expect also that the patient will ac­ cept as true your diagnostic findings. Why do you not likewise submit and commit yourself, Doctor, to that great Physician whom you eventually must meet? W e must all stand before God, each one as an indi­ vidual, to hear His diagnosis of us. And we would be wise, and certainly you would be wise, Doctor, to submit now for His diagnosis. Since He is the One before whom your case will be brought eventually for consideration, would it not be well to ascertain now what His diagnosis is? His diagnostic chart is presented to you in this life for your acceptance, and here it is: HEAD: “ The whole head is sick” (Isa. 1:5). HEART: “ The heart is deceitful above

one who would keep the secret a sacred, hidden secret? There is such a friend, and we would like to tell you about Him. We would seek to show you that in all your own experiences you are doing with your patients what He would like to do with you. Your Diagnosis— And God's When a patient comes to you, you first diagnose the case. The success of your treatment depends upon a correct diagnosis. You will spend perhaps a considerable length of time in arriving at a full decision concerning the need of the case. You will observe such symptoms as may be seen with the eyes. You will palpate with your hands to ascertain what fremitus may be discov­ ered, or what swelling may be there and whether the swelling is hard or soft. You will percuss in order that your ears may The Picture: Photographed in action in his office in Kansas City, Mo., Walter Lewis Wilson, M. D., is a "be­ loved physician" known to thousands of friends in his varied capacities as physician, author, radio Bible teacher, and soul-winner.

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


all things, and desperately wicked” (Jer. 17:9). FEET: “Their feet are swift to shed blood” (Rom. 3:15). THROAT : “Their throat is an open sepulchre” (Rom.. 3:13). MOUTH,: “Whose mouth is full of curs­ ing and bitterness” (Rom. 3:14). EYES: “There is no fear of 'God before their eyes” (Rom. 3:18). EARS: “The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing” (Eccl. 1:18). LIPS: “The poison of asps is under their lips” (Rom. 3:13). THE ENTIRE BODY: “They are to­ gether become unprofitable” ; “there is none righteous, no, not one” (Rom., 3:12, 10). Doctor, look over this diagnosis and see what kind of prognosis you would make in such a case as this. Do you think you could successfully treat and heal one whose entire body is as abnormal as this description shows? What would be your own prog­ nosis in such a case? Is it not a dark out­ look? Does it not seem quite hopeless? I am sure you will admit that the great Physician has left a very unhappy report about you as the result of His findings. God's Specific Treatment The treatment of this case can be pre* scribed only by the One who made the diagnosis, the living Lord. He sends a call to you, Doctor, saying: “ Come unto me” (Matt. 11:28). Come for the diagnosis and accept it. But come also for the treat­ ment and accept it. What is the treatment? It is not found in quinine, nor strophanthus, nor pilo carpine, nor in any prescription compounded by human hands. It is found only in the blood of Jesus Christ. It is Christ Jesus whom saved ones—and only they—can praise as “ him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood” (Rev. 1:5), for “without shedding of blood is no remission” (Heb. 9:22). Will you come to Him for treatment, Doctor? By faith you trust your case to this Doctor of the Soul, and He applies the remedy, wash­ ing away the sins in His precious blood. His work for you will save your soul. It was your work at the operating table, removing the ruptured appendix, repairing the peritoneum, that saved the life of the helpless patient lying asleep on the table. It was the saving work of Jesus Christ at Calvary for you that will save your soul from the terrible ravages of the sins that possess your life. Christ must do it for you, even as you do for your patients. Christ must have your confidence and trust, even as you must have the faith of your patients. You must definitely commit your case to the Lord Jesus, the Saviour, even as your patients must commit themselves to your care. There must be no question about it, nor doubts. Trust your very doubts to Him. With the confiding heart, kneel just now to this great.loving Physician, Christ Jesus; turn your case over to Him. Accept Him; re­ ceive the treatment provided at the cross o f Calvary, and at once He will make you His child and save you by His grace. “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and

What Doctors Say — HOWARD A . -K E L L Y s M.D.$ LL.D. • • « surgeon . . • thirty years Professor of Gynecology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., . . . now Professor Emeritus . . . Fellow of American College of Surgeons . . . author of many medical hooks and scientific articles, as well as of “A Scientific Man and the Bible," a volume widely used in Chris­ tian work among students. (Photo by Converse Studios, Inc., N .Y.)

0 If oil that we hold as Christians is in very trnth the Word of God, then every physician should be a Christian who real­ izes as he enters the sickroom, “ The place whereon thou standest is holy ground.” He must know also that he is called to a sick bed as a representative of Him who died that we might live, and that he enters the chamber of the sick as an ambassador for Christ who said to His Father in His great prayer (John 1 7 ), “ As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.” Yes, let every doctor heed the messages of God’s Word, for to neglect them is fraught with danger. May I add that I fail to see how my colleagues can hold out in their so strenuous and often disappointing labors with­ out a clear consciousness that they are dependent upon and

fellow laborers with God as His agents in the promulgation of the gospel of our salvation through Christ. Indeed, as soon as this great fact is both recognized and acknowledged, it becomes the major in all life’s relationships, which are by it elevated to a new and higher plane far above the customary mere earthly level upon which the world lives. MARION McH.JHJIJj, M.D., . . . . four decades in the practice of medicine . . . for many years professor of therapeutics . . . formerly in charge of Christian hospital . . . now Dean of Atlanta Bible Institute, Atlanta, Ga., and still an active practitioner.

• The practice of medicine is too comprehensive for any one to know it all or even all about any part of it} so it is wonderful to be able to call in consultation the great Physi­ cian who knows it in entirety. Many patients baffle us; every test is negative. The disease is of the spirit, and the soul and the body are being affected by it. Only the Christian physician can discover the cause, in such a malady, and can point to the Cure which is Christ. Physicians have their peculiar temptations; many are over­ come by them because they do not know Him who is able to give victory over every temptation. Too, the physician shoulders great responsibility, and the conscientious physician realizes his burden. Only the Christian physician knows also the Burden-Bearer, and rests when others are restless.

The saddest lesson the doctor learns is to meet with ingratitude. Those for whom one has done the most are frequently the ones who fail you. I must not fail the One who gave His life for me, who is my Counselor, my All and in all. I know how ingratitude hurts, and I do not want to hurt Him. Mere gratitude demands that we give Him our hearts. ARTHUR I. PROTO M.D.C.M., F.R.C.S.Ed., . . . . Vancouver, B. C., . . . author and lecturer in the field of science and the Bible.

® My message to those members of the medical profession who have not accepted Christ as Saviour, would be the same as to any other unsaved person. I say to them, in the words of Scripture: “ There is no difference” . . . “ God is no respecter of persons” . . . “ All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” . . . “ He that believeth not is condemned already” (to hell, which is an eternal separation from God). Then— if he will hear me— I will tell him that the Lord Jesus Christ “ his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto right­ eousness” (1 Pet. 2 :2 4 ). I would warn him that he must make his choice between eternal death and everlasting life, that he must exercise his God-given free will one way or the other.

I would not have a physician imagine that because he holds a responsible, hon­ orable, and respected position in the community, he therefore has any more chance of salvation without Christ than has the vilest sinner. He should realize that the greatest sin in the universe and the only one which consigns the indi­ vidual to an eternity of judgment, is rejection of the Saviour, Jesus Christ. I would like to tell him also, if I might, that counting “ all things but loss” in order to ‘win Christ” is the greatest and most exciting and blessed adventure in this world. To know him, and the power of his resurrection” and then, if need be, to “ fellowship” with Him in “ his sufferings,” brings the peace which passes all understanding— and, after all, is that not the most precious of all possessions?

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


L. EDWIN JBARJNES, M.D., . . . . Chicago, III., . . . physician and surgeon since 1910 . . . specialist in diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and throat . . . a lover of the Word of God and the “ blessed hope” of the Lord’s return.

stows on each patient who commits his case and his cause to Him.” Coming to the Great Physician for Treatment It is fatal to reject the diagnosis of God and to refuse the treatment of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is also fatal to attempt to apply any other remedy. You certainly would not prescribe quinine to reduce a dislocation at the shoulder. You know that this treatment would not avail. Your years of study and of rich experiences have told you that certain diseases as well as specific maladies require certain definite remedies. God has been dealing with souls through­ out the centuries. He knows exactly what will do the work in your case. It is well to accept His decision. “ God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.” Nothing else that He could give would put away sin or satisfy the soul. Christ is God’s panacea for every trouble in your heart and life. The result of accepting God’s gift and God’s remedy is found in the remain­ der of the verse: “ . . . that whosoever be- lieveth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). W e know you are very busy, Doctor; but do take a little time from your many duties to get alone with your Lord and let Him prescribe this blessed remedy for your soul. We do not want to see you be lost and go out into the outer dark after you have shown such kindness to us. Oh, make Christ Jesus your Lord and Saviour and thus be fitted to dwell with God forever! “ Turn ye, turn ye . . .; for why will ye die . . .?” (Ezek. 33:11). “ Him that com- eth to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). “ When Morning Gilds the Skies” When morning gilds the skies M y heart, awaking, cries, May Jesus Christ he praised! Alike at work and prayer, To Jesus I repair; May Jesus Christ he praised! The glad notes of this morning song ex­ press the joy of an awaking world. Like a bird, the song rises upward and sings its praise to God___ We know nothing of the author of these splendid verses, except that he was a German. The hymn originally had many stanzas and appeared, without the writer’s name, in a German song book, in 1828. But we do know the man, Rev. Edward Caswall, who translated the song’s grace and beauty into English.. . . Mr. Cas­ wall was a man of many gifts and much culture. “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee” is his translation of an exquisite early Latin hymn. The melody for “When Morning Gilds the Skies” was composed by a famous Eng­ lish musician, Sir Joseph Barnby, in 1868. . . . Like Sir Arthur Sullivan, who wrote the air for “ Onward, Christian Soldiers,” Barnby was knighted by Queen Victoria, in 1892, in honor of his work in music.—From Stories of Hymns W e Love, by Cecilia Margaret Rudin; John Rudin & Co., Inc., Chicago; price $1.00.

that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2:8,9). The Eloquence of Results You point with pride to difficult cases that you have been the means of restoring to health. You give these as samples of your skill, and it is right that you should. W e are glad that you have been successful and that you have these testimonials to your ability and power. The Lord Jesus asks you to consider His record as a Physi­ cian of souls. He asks you to look at those whom He has saved. He has said: “Though ye believe not me, believe the works” (John 10:38). Look at the lives that He has trans­ formed. Look at the men and women whom He has restored to godliness and holiness. Then bring your case to Him, and let Him do this for you. God grant that you may. The Fatal Penalty of Rejecting Diagnosis and Treatment Perhaps you have had patients, Doctor, who did not accept your diagnosis. I knew of such a case myself. A young woman began coughing slightly and went to see a celebrated lung specialist about her case. He examined her carefully and announced to her and to her father that she had a case of tuberculosis that was of a rather virulent type. She resented the diagnosis and said, “ You cannot frighten me at all with your statements. I do not have tuber­ culosis; it has never been in our family, and you are only telling me this in order to get a large fee for treatment.” She stalked out of the office indignant and offended. After a few weeks during which the cough increased in its severity, she was taken by her father to another physician, who was also a specialist well known and honored in the city. He made a careful examination and confirmed the diagnosis of the first physician. Again the young woman rebelled, refused to accept the findings, and left the office indignant and scoffing at the doctor and his diagnosis. The father of the young woman ordered the back porch of the home converted into a sleeping porch with proper curtains and other arrangements to keep out wind and rain. He placed the daughter there and continued to. give her cough remedies pur­ chased from the druggist. The cough con­ tinued to grow worse day by day. The young woman was losing flesh rapidly, and all of the effects of a rapidly spreading tubercular infection were manifested. The father decided to take his daughter to a western health resort and ordered a beautiful tent that was to be waterproof, weatherproof, and bugproof. The tent was never opened by this father, for the young woman died on .the train en route to the western sanitarium. She had refused the diagnosis; therefore, she failed to accept the remedy. The results were fatal. The doctor knew they would be fatal. Both of these excellent physicians warned her that her attitude would produce only disaster. Now, Doctor, you too, may reject God’s diagnosis, and may become indignant when our Lord reveals the condition of your heart and mind. But would it not be wiser to face'the issue? You will soon be going

9 “Doctor Barnes, how can you be­ lieve anything so unreasonable as the Bible? Th inking men and women are casting it aside.’ “May I ask you

one question, Doc­ tor? When did you read the New Tes­ tament portion of your Bible?’’ “ Dr. Barnes, to be honest with you, I never have read it through.*’ “ Doctor, what would you think of a physician who deliberated on a subject he knew nothing of?’’ “ Barnes, that’s a straight question, I admit.’’ “Doctor, I beg you to read the New Testament through. ‘Prepare to meet thy God,’ and DO IT NOW ! Your first requisite is to know that you are con­ demned already, as you will find by reading carefully John 3 and Romans 3. If you acknowledge your need, then there is a way to escape damnation by accepting Christ Jesus as your Substi­ tute as in Romans 5 :8: *God commend- eth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. To apply that truth to yourself, read Romans 10:9: ‘If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.’ Do it now, Doctor, and you will be prepared to meet your God.” out to meet the Lord in judgment, and when you stand before the Lord, no rebellion will be permitted, and no opposition will be allowed. In that day, you simply will have to bow your head and accept the un­ happy results of your choice—your refusal to bow to the diagnosis, and your failure to receive the treatment. Do let me urge you again to believe God and come to His great Physician, His Son, for the forgive­ ness of sins and the gift of eternal life. Patients whom you have delivered from great sicknesses and dangerous illnesses, be­ come your best advertisements. They tell of you to their relatives and friends. They show the excellent results of your careful and correct diagnosis and are happy to praise you as a careful, kind, and successful physician. W e are glad that they do. We are happy to see that you are successful. We want you to be so. But this fact only makes us Come to you in a more urgent way to say, “ Doctor, please d° not neglect your own case while you are helping others. You need a Saviour. You need to be trans­ formed. You need to be forgiven. Do come to Christ and let Him grant you this rich blessing which He so graciously be­


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1937

The M e ss ian ic Psalms* ■— ' ¿ f x By W ILL IAM L. PETTINGILL Wilmington, Delaware

we read: “My strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed.” How could He thus speak to God when He had no iniquity of His own? Some readers of the Psalm will turn from it and say this confession of sin shows that the Psalm is not Messianic. But there are other Psalms, whose Messianic character cannot be con­ troverted, in which the same difficulty pre­ sents itself. In the Messianic Psalms we find our Lord frequently confessing sin. This fact presents a problem. But the solution of the problem is in the fact that He identified Himself throughout His life, as well as in His death, with us sinners, and that He confessed our sins as His own. It is true that atonement for our sins was wrought out on the cross of Calvary alone. But it is also true that the suffering He endured on the way to the cross would never have been His had He not been traveling in that way. He had become incarnate in order that He might die for our sins, and this incarnation brought Him into such fellowship with man and man’s sin that it can well be said, not only that He bore our sins in His own body on the

PART V T reading the W ay of S orrows from B ethlehem to C alvary P salm 31 N EXT in the series of Messianic Psalms—Psalms quoted in the New Testament and there applied to Jesus Christ—is Psalm 31. The New Testament identification of this Psalm as Messianic is shown by the quotation of a part of verse S in Luke 23:46. In the King James Version, the words as found in Psalm 31:5 are: “ Into thine hand I commit my spirit” ; but the Revised Version has changed the verb, and it yeads: “ Into thy hand I commend my spirit,” the verb used by our Lord on the cross, recorded in Luke 23:46. Sorrow In Nazareth The Psalm brings before us our Lord’s exercise of soul in connection with the grief and shame characterizing His earthly life. We have thought too little of this as we have considered the pathway from Bethle­ hem to Calvary, which was in .all its length “ a way of sorrows.” There was not only a cross at the end of the way, but there was shame all the way (Heb. 12 : 2 ).

We read in the Word of God that even Jesus’ own brethren believed not on Him (John 7:5). Even they refused to credit the testimony of their father and mother concerning the virgin birth of the first-born in the family. It is easy to see then what they did be­ lieve. They believed what the neighbors believed, and what everybody in Nazareth believed, apart from Joseph and Mary and Jesus Himself. They believed that Jesus was the illegitimate son of a man and woman who denied the fact. Loneliness Among Men, and Communion with God This was the atmosphere surrounding the young man named Jesus of Nazareth. The language of our Psalm gives us a vivid picture of the circumstances in which He grew up. He was thrust upon God by these circumstances and had sweet communion continuously with Him (vs. 1-8). But His was a sensitive spirit, and His life was spent with grief, and His years with sigh­ ing (vs. 9, 10). A difficulty confronts us in verse 10, as

tree, but also that He bore them in His own body unto the tree. Let it be said again that atonement for sin was fully accomplished while He hung on the tree; but there was much suffering before the atonement, and this suffering came because He had come into the world to save sinners. May our hearts go out to Him in a new way as we read the lan­ guage of verses 11 to 13: “ I was a reproach among all mine enemies, but especially among my neighbors, and a fear to mine acquaintance: they that did see me without fled from me. I am forgotten as a dead man out of mind: I am like a broken vessel. For I have heard the slander of many: fear was on every side: while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life.” In verses 14 to 18, He again rolls Himself upon God in perfect trust; and in verses 19 to 24, He rejoices in His Father’s goodness and exhorts the saints -to love Jeho­ vah who “preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer. Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord” (vs. 23, 24). It is true that in Luke 2:52 it is written that “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” His favor with God, of course, continued, but [Continued on page 385]

NAZARETH 'S WELL Christians who approach the "Virgin's Well" at Nazareth have a consciousness of drawing very close to the earthly steps of the Lord Jesus, for careful archeologists consider the village well to be the very one in use in the days of our Lord's boyhood in Nazareth.

Have you ever tried to visualize the life of Jesus of Nazareth be­ fore the days of His public ministry? Nazareth was a town whose neighbors said that nothing good could come out of it (John 1:46). In this despised Nazareth there was a carpenter named Joseph with his wife Mary and a family of sons and daughters. The eldest of these children, named Jesus, was also a carpenter (Mk. 6:3). But this Jesus the carpenter had been born out of wedlock. His mother Mary acknowledged this, and declared that her Son had been born while she was a virgin, and that He had no human father what­ soever. Joseph, Mary’s husbandj confirmed this testimony, declaring that he himself was not the boy’s father, and that by divine revela­ tion he had been assured that the boy had no human father (Matt. 1:18-25). Both Joseph and Mary had been given assurance leading them to believe that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel, of whom it had been predicted in Isaiah 7:14 that He should be born of a virgin. This was the testimony of both Joseph and Mary concerning the manner of Jesus’ birth, but no 6ne believed it.

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