King's Business - 1937-10


October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

ONE-HALF PRICE FOR CLASSES Vacation is over- Now is the Time to Organize Do You Want Better-trainedWorkers in Your Church? Let Us Help You

in Vour Church for Group Study

From experience the Biola Cor­ respondence School has concluded that the correspondence courses listed below are easily handled in classes. The regular price is given here. In groups of ten or more the enrollment fee is one- half for each individual. This special fee includes complete sets of material, examinations, cor­ rection of papers, and diplomas. Doctrine Bible Beginners’ Course. . .$2.00 These lessons on some of the rudimentary truths of the Chris­ tian faith have laid the founda­ tion for Bible study in the lives of thousands of young converts. Bible Study Bible Outline, . i ------ ----------$2.00 This course is especially suited for those having no knowledge of the Bible as one complete book. It is really a foundational course upon which to build other studies. Gospels (Each Gospel) . . . . $2.00 Acts ............ 2.00 Romans ................................... 2.00 These courses introduce the question method of Bible study. This method is most profitable in that it causes the students to draw out for themselves the great teachings of each book. Evangelism Child Evangelism ...................$5.00 A study of the child and prac­ tical methods of winning and training children for Christ and the Church. Personal and Practical Christian Work ..................... $3.50 In this course, as the title im­ plies, is offered a most thorough study on the subject of Personal Work.

Pastors a re o r g a n iz in g c la s se s in correspondence work, well knowing that a trained staff is invaluable in carrying on a successful Bible School program. Superintendents who have formed these classes among their teachers realize the value o f organized study in present­ ing effectively the aims and instruction o f the Bible School. Teachers in Sunday-Schools have found that a clearly de­ fined program of Bible study is a great help in bringing the weekly lesson. Mo t h e r s m a y organize neighborhood classes for the study o f the Bible and o f methods o f bringing up chil­ dren “ in the nurture and ad­ monition o f the Lord.” Chil­ dren can b e kept from the snare o f Satan only through the power o f G od and His Word.

Photo by William Thompson

The Heart of a Child

The heart of a child is a scroll, A page that is lovely and white; And to it as fleeting years roll, Come hands with a story to write— Be ever so careful, O hand; Write thou with a sanctified pen. Thy story shall live in the land For years in the doings of men. It shall echo in circles of light, O r lead to the death of a soul. Give here but a message of right, For the heart of a child is a scroll. — Mrs. Bessie S. Ashton

Can It Be Done in My Church? “ Yes” is the answer to this oft-repeated question. Call together for one evening in your home or church a half dozen or more people, discuss your program, pray to­ gether, plan together, and enlist others. Select your teacher and course of study, send in enrollments, and be ready to begin work without delay. The resulting enthusiasm of the group will lead to the formation of other classes. The holding of one class will make a program of this kind an annual custom in your Bible School and Church. Other Christians are finding a profit and joy in class study. Feel free to write us if we can .help you in any organization proposal.

CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Gentlemen :

1 enclose $ the class enrollment fee for the following correspondence cou r se :............... Please send me free prospectus describing in detail all Bible courses offered by correspondence. TEACHER’S NAME.........................| ...................................... ADDRESS .......... .............. ......... ................................................

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