King's Business - 1937-10






BIOLA’ S NOONDAY BROADCAST 1 2 :1 5 -1 2 :4 5 (Please note change of station.) All the Los Angeles friends of the Institute (and others, as they may be able) will wish to join Biola’s radio audience. Speaking on “ The Revival We Need,” and giving also up-to-date news con­ cerning Biola’s work both in Los Angeles and in war-torn China, President Rood will be heard dur­ ing the noon hour over radio sta­ tion K F A C (1300 kilocycles), daily except Saturday and Sunday, from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m., begin­ ning October 4, 1937. TUNE IN— KFAC Dr. R ood will send a FREE co p y of one o f his new booklets, “ The H eav­ enly H om e,” or “ G ive G od a Chance,” to any one who requests a co p y and who furnishes his nam e and address. O nly a lim ited number o f these book­ lets are available. A ddress: President Paul W . R ood, The B ible Institute o f L os A ngeles, 558 S. H ope St., L os A n­ geles, Calif.

R ECEIVING letters like the one shown on this page, and being as­ sured in other ways of the Lord’s eternal faithfulness, we at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are praising God and going forward in the direction in which we believe He is pointing the way. As announced last month, the mem­ bers of the Board of Trustees of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, after months of prayer, thought, and plan­ ning, have felt led to act in faith and to inaugurate a thirty-three-months’ campaign along constructive lines for the restoration of Biola’s finan­ cial structure and the extension of its ministry. Taking its title in part from God’s command to the children of Israel (Ex. 14:15), the BIOLA “ GO FOR­ WARD” CAMPAIGN is undertaken in implicit trust in Him who delights to accomplish tasks humanly impossible for His own glory. For many years the Institute has been hampered in its work of training witnesses for home and for­

eign fields because of lack of funds and heavy debts. Only a concerted, prayerful effort, in full dependence upon God, will avail to lift this burden. The BIOLA “ GO FORWARD” CAMPAIGN looks toward JUNE 1, 1940, as the day on which it may please the Lord to grant the con­ summation so devoutly wished—an In­ stitute free of financial encumbrances. Two Meetings o f Great Importance Friday, October 1, has been appoint­ ed as a day of fasting and prayer, to be observed at the Institute, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles. We are par­ ticularly eager that every friend of Biola in this region shall come to this gathering. On Sunday, October 10, a mass meet­ ing is scheduled to be held in the main auditorium for the presentation of the program to be followed in the months ahead.

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