King's Business - 1937-10

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



the day. The other day I saw four lines of street cars, all crowded with busy peo­ ple, and six lines of automobiles held up. Hundreds of people hurrying to their homes were brought to a stop, all because an automobile had been injected by its careless driver into the place where it had no busi­ ness to be. Everybody had to wait until the traffic officer forced that car driver to obey the traffic rules. When petty annoy­ ances try to inject themselves into your mind and disorganize your program, let the peace of Christ acting as the traffic of­ ficer of your life compel them to get out of the way for more important work. —Pearls for Preachers.

The original and only genuine Folding Organ. Famous the world over for 50 years. Sweet tone—Astonishing Yolume—Inexpensive. Suitable for camps, Missions, Sunday Schools, etc. Write for Catalog and Prices. BILHORN BROS. ORGAN CO., INC. Dept. K 1414 MeLean Ave. Chicago, IN.

these three “lets,” the Christian will live in peace with both God and man. Points and Problems 1. " I f ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above" (Col. 3:1). As always, the Apostle Paul here puts first things first. He does not say, “ If you want to be risen with Christ,” but, “ If ye be risen with Christ.” In other words, sal­ vation comes first, then Christian living. It is utterly useless to ask men to live like Christians, until they first have become Christians. Therefore, -God first saves us, raises us up to sit with His Son in heav­ enly places, and then demands that we live in accordance with our high position.. It is not the quality of our living that earns our position in Christ, but it is our posi­ tion in Him by grace that enables us to live as Christians ought to live. 2. “Mortify therefore your members which are upon earth" (v. 5). There was a time, three hundred years ago, when the verb " mortify ” meant something stronger than it does today. In popular usage today, for some one to say, “ He was mortified,” means that he was embarrassed. But when the Authorized, Version was translated, the word meant "to be killed." Therefore the American Revised Version translates the passage: "Put to death" your members. The battle against the flesh and its members is no “pink tea” affair. The Christian is to give no quarter and show no mercy. Our “members which are upon the earth” must be put to the death., 3. “ Put o ff....P u t on" (vs. 8, 12). There are certain things which should be marked in every Bible, so that every time we open our Bibles, these important things will impress themselves upon our minds. The two words, " Put off," in verse 8 should be thus marked and connected with a line to the two words "Put on,” in verse 12. There is such a thing as a Christian wardrobe, which every true Christian should be wearing. But before the new garments are put on, there are some old garments that must be taken off. Perhaps the most lamentable sight in the world is that of a Christian trying to wear the new wardrobe over the old. This is the reason that the lives of many professing Chris­ tians seem to be a hopeless mass of moral and spiritual contradictions.

In His Name C olossians 3:1-17

Would You Liles Current Information Relative to Your Present Investments? I f interested, communicate with J. P. WELLES C. L. WELLS & C O M P A N Y Investment Securities 724 SO. SPRING STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Telephone M I. 9651 Teletype L A 416 STOPS M y Friend» Your life would be greatly enriched by the Christian Victory Magazine A ll we ask is that you TR Y it and let it convince you ! 10 cents fo r one cop y ; three months* trial fo r 25 cen ts ; $1.00 a year. Fred John Meldau, editor. 2909 Umatilla St., Denver, Colo. A sk for FREE booklet, ** Something Worth Talking About ” Also free Catalogue, Insurance Stocks In the June 21st issue of B est ’ s I n ­ su ran ce N ew s (Fire and Marine edi­ tion) an editorial article appears under the title “A History of Fire Insurance Stocks." This article is surprising in its impli­ cations. It tells of the market results of a carefully picked group of popular Industrial stocks and bonds traded ac­ tively on the New York Stock Exchange for four different periods during the last thirty-five years, in comparison with the results of a representative group of fire insurance stocks. We believe every investor should read carefully this article. Copies mailed upon request without obligation of any kind. Hopkins, Hughey & Anderson Member Los Angeles Stock Exchange 609 South Grand Avenue LOS ANGELES TRinity 3221 Complete Analytical and Research Facilities Messrs. Hopkins, Hughey & Anderson, 609 South Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Please send me without obligation on my part a copy o f your circular “ A H istory o f Fire Insurance Stocks.** Name ........................................................................... Address ......................................................................... A History o f Fire

Memory Verse: “Be ye kind one to an­ other, tender-hearted, forgiving one an­ other” (Eph. 4:32). Approach: We have been talking for the past few weeks about why people love God and about which people are the children

o f God. W e learned that we love God be­ cause of the things that He has done for us. Everything that we have comes from God. And the great­ est gift that He sent us, we know, is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, w h o came that all who believe

on His name “should not perish, but have everlasting life.” W e learned that the only thing that we need to do to become a child of God is to believe that the Lord Jesus came to save us from our sins and to bring us back to God. This makes us a member of God’s family. It gives us a family name—the name “ Christian.” Usu­ ally we find it easy to know, by looking at people, who are the members of the same family, and just so there are ways by which Christians may be known. Lesson Story: One should be able to tell a Christian by the way he acts. The Bible tells just how this should be, so that every member of the family may read and know and find out how he should act. One of the things that it says Christians should do is to lay up our treasures in heaven because the things in this world are soon spoiled, but the things in heaven last for­ ever. Another thing that the members of the Christian family are told to do is to tell the truth. You remember we talked a few weeks ago about how hard and yet how important it is to guard our tongue from saying evil things. The next thing we are told to do is to be kind and humble and meek and long-suffering. This will be easier for us to do if we keep remem­ bering that Jesus was all of these things for us. And the last thing is to do every­ thing “ in the name of the Lord Jesus, giv­ ing thanks to God and the Father by him.”

Golden Text Illustration C olossians 3:15

Object Lesson T he P encil B rothers

Many Christians dissipate their strength by worry. Little, petty, insignificant things are allowed to disorganize the program for

Objects: Five pencils. ( One very blunt, one with black tape wrapped around both

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