King's Business - 1937-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1937

Golden Text Illustration 1 T imothy 4:14

minister (v. 3). What is required is the endurance which is manifested by the sol­ dier on active duty (cf. R. V., “soldier on service” ). The implication is that the days of drill are over; the experiences of learn­ ing to obey instantly are past, and the sol­ dier must go forth to put into practice what he has learned. Such a soldier has his attention concentrated upon one objec­ tive only—to win the victory. Ready to “endure hardness,” the follower of Christ must also keep free from entanglement “ with the affairs of this life” (v. 4) which would serve to turn him aside. His un­ swerving desire must be to “please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” Points and Problems 1. In its entirety, 1 Timothy 4 is an in­ spired testimony to the supreme importance of doctrine in Christianity. The word “ doctrine” occurs four times in the chap­ ter. In verse 1 we are warned against the “ doctrines of devils [demons].” In verse 6 Timothy is exhorted to be nourished with “ good doctrine.” In verse 13 Paul comr mands that attendance be given to "doc­ trine.” And in verse 16 he demands of Timothy that he give heed “ unto the doc­ trine.” The use of the definite article in this last passage indicates that the content o f Christian doctrine was very definite and well known in the early church. Verse 11 also contains a reference to doctrine: “ These things command and teach.” The word translated “teach” is the verb form of the same word used above. It might be rendered: “ These things command and indoctrinate." There are many preachers who can exhort, but not many have learned to “indoctrinate” their people. Mere ex­ hortation is useless, unless based upon sound doctrine. 2. “Bodily exercise profiteth little” (1 Tim. 4:8). According to our modern Eng­ lish idiom, this statement would seem to make the apostle regard “bodily exercise” as of practically no account. I believe that his real meaning will appear more clearly if we follow the American Revision: “Bodily exercise is profitable for a little.” In other words, Paul recognized that phys­ ical exercise had a real value, but it was “ little” when compared with spiritual ac­ tivity. The Bible never falls into the Gnostic attitude of contempt for the body. The body of the Christian is bought with a price, belongs to God, and therefore is to be valued properly. On the other hand, the Bible never makes the mistake of mod­ ern thought, which often exalts the phys­ ical above the spiritual. 3. “Let no man despise thy youth” (v. 12). Modern youth in general, as well as young ministers, have taken this Bibli­ cal exhortation very seriously. As a re­ sult, there is a demand today that the wisdom of age be discarded and that youth be given a chance to build a “ new world.” But they forget the remainder of verse 12: “ But be thou an example. . . in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” If modern youth will do this, they will get the recognition they deserve. Spiritual leadership must be based upon Christian faith and holy living.

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I am told that soon after the Civil War a lovely young woman of Jefferson County, Ark., went away to a woman’s college, stayed four years, and was graduated in the literary course and in music. She came home and married an illiterate and care­ less man, and they moved to a backwoods settlement. She did not carry a piano with her. She ceased to buy books and maga­ zines. She lapsed into the commonplace and drudgery of farm life without the sustaining power of literature and music. In a few years there remained no sign of her college attainments. She was unread, her fingers had lost their nimble touch, and her once refined and beautiful face was hardened and blackened and wrinkled into uncultured ugliness. “ How shall we escape, if we neglect so great s a l v a t i o n W i t h o u t regular and habitual prayer, we would find it difficult to pray, even in the greatest emergency. — W . P. W h a le y . Two Brave Preachers 1 T imothy 4; 2 T imothy 2:1-4 Memory Verse: “ Pray for one another” (Jas. 5:16). Approach: Last week we talked about how members of the Christian family should live. They are to love, not the things of this world, but the things above. preachers who belonged to the Christian family and who had to remember to live the Christian way. Lesson Story: These preachers were Paul and Timothy. We have talked about them before. Perhaps you can remember some of the stories about them. Do you remem­ ber how the Lord Jesus called fo Paul on the road to Damascus and how Paul stopped being an enemy of Jesus and be­ came a follower? You remember how Paul went into many countries preaching Christ to the people. You remember how many things he suffered for Christ. Paul knew that he must suffer many things for Jesus’ sake. He knew that the other followers of Jesus who went with him on his preaching journeys would suffer, too. But he knew that in spite of the suffering that would follow, he and the other Christians must obey the rules of the Christian life. So he wrote to Tim­ othy, who was one of the young preachers who went on missionary journeys with him, to be “ an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” And the way that Paul helped Timothy to remember always to live as a Christian, was to pray for him. The way we can help each other most is to “ pray one for another.” They are to tell the truth. They are to be kind and humble and meek and long- suffering and forgiv­ ing. They are to do e v e ry th in g “in the name of the L ord Jesus, giving thanks to God.” Today we are g o in g to talk abou t tw o b ra v e

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