King's Business - 1937-10


October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Christ, and fruit is guaranteed by Christ to be borne by each Christian who wholly yields himself to Christ’s hands; Points and Problems 1. John 15 suggests at least five possi­ ble relationships between believers and our Lord Jesus Christ. First, they are said to be “ branches” of Christ who is the True Vine (v. 5). Second, there is the relation­ ship of "disciples” (v. 8). Third, the rela­ tionship of “servants” is implied in verse 15. Fourth, the servants are actually to be called "friends” (v. 14). And fifth, al­ though not specifically named, there runs throughout the passage the idea that we should be “ intercessors.” These five ideas sum up much that is in the chapter. 2. Another prominent idea of the chap­ ter is the close connection that exists be­ tween fruit-bearing and intercession. Com­ pare verse 7, which promises: “Ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you,” with verse 8, where the Father is glorified through our bearing much “ fruit.” See also verse 16, where the bringing forth of fruit seems to be based on the promise “ that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” There can be no life of fruit-bearing without a ministry of prayer. 3. “ If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered” (v. 6). This passage has troubled some people who believe in the doctrine of security, and often is used wrongly as a proof text by those who hold the doctrine of insecurity. Our Lord in this passage, it is said by the latter group, ‘ plainly teaches that one may be born of God and then afterwards be

verse emphasizing fruit-bearing concludes with the words “ so shall ye be my disci­ ples.” A disciple is one whose purpose in life is to learn of Christ, to become like Christ, and to serve Christ with all his being. Thus the disciple is the only one who can or does glorify the Father; and he does so by bearing fruit unto God. T o the believer the Lord Jesus Christ said: “ Continue ye in my love . . . even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love” (vs. 9, 10). As a Man, our Lord learned obedience by the things which He suffered. For the Chris­ tian, obedience does not issue in chafing against restraint, but in abiding in the love of Christ. Then there will be the experience of true joy (vs. 11-13). Joy is not something apart from Christ; it is His own joy which he imparts to the child of Gbd. If the Christian would rejoice with the gladness that characterizes heaven, he must hearken to and obey these words of Christ, spoken for the express purpose of imparting His joy to His disciples. Obedience to Christ and delight in His salvation will issue in­ variably in love to the brethren. The Christian is to love his brother in Christ because that brother belongs to the Lord, and not because of any special lovable traits which the brother may possess; thus the love will embrace all Christians. There will be little fruit-bearing where there is a lack of brotherly love. III. T he P athway to F ruit -B earing (14-16) Fruit-bearing involves friendship with Christ (vs. 14, 15). This gracious rela­ tionship is formed by the Lord, and the re­ sponsibility for its enjoyment rests upon the Christian. Christ takes the Christian into his confidence, as it were, and instead of commanding him as a slave, He pre­ sents to him the opportunity of manifest­ ing friendship by means of works. Such friendship demands three things: a love that is willing to sacrifice, a devotion that is willing to surrender, and a loyalty that is ready to stand with the Friend under all circumstances. These are the things our Lord asks from His friends. Because o f their being Christ’s friends, believers receive revelations concerning the Father (v. 15). One does not take a serv­ ant into intimate confidence, but one may take a friend into such confidence, and may tell that one a great many things which have nothing directly to do with the friend. Sometimes Christians miss much that oth­ erwise might be received from the Lord because they demand that their conversa­ tion with Him shall relate only to the per­ sonal matters with which they are con­ cerned primarily. They forget that God has many purposes aside from His pur­ pose for the church and its individual members. In their .forgetfulness, they ob­ tain little understanding of God’s will concerning the Jew, the nations, and the coming reign of Christ. Finally, the believer is reminded that he is one who is “chosen” (v. 16). The Christian does not of himself choose Christ, nor is he self-appointed to bear fruit. He is chosen by Christ, ordained by Christ, commissioned by Christ, empowered by

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