King's Business - 1937-10

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” And all of the time that the Lord Jesus Was here on earth, He told His followers over and over again that they must love each other even as He had loved them. He said that the two great commandments were to love the Lord our God with all of our heart and our neigh­ bors as ourselves. If we love God, we will believe and obey Him, and if we do this, we cannot help but love our neighbors, too.

utterly lost. But those who adopt this in­ terpretation seem to forget the simplest facts of horticulture. And we should re­ member that no interpretation can be true that ignores or violates these facts, for the horticultural figure was chosen deliberately by our Lord and runs throughout the pas­ sage. The word translated “abide” refers to a “close and settled union." When the horticulturist places a number of grafts in a tree or a vine, it is well known that only those which form a real union will grow and bear fruit. The others may appear to be healthy for a brief time, and may even start to thrust out leaves, but unless there is a vital union formed, they do exactly what our Lord suggests—they •wither, and the husbandman removes them and casts them into the fire. Certainly this is no picture of souls truly united w ith. Christ by the new birth. Many years ago a blind man came to Dr. McKenzie of Manchuria to have his eyes healed. He found Christ, got touched with the fire, and went out selling peanuts for a living, and making evangelism his life’s work. He sold peanuts for the Lord’s sake, and as he went from house to house, that poor blind man, without education but with the fire of God in his heart, led three thousand to Christ .— Chinas Millions. Golden Text Illustration J ohn 15:8 Memory Verse: “This is my command­ ment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12). Approach: We have been talking about how the family of Christians should act toward each other and how they should act in their church — home. T h e re are many rules w ritten i ten there, but its meaning is sure to be there. It is a short word of four letters, but we cannot live Christian lives without it. Have you guessed what word this is? Lesson Story: From the beginning of things, God has shown His l-o-v-e to us. After Adam and Eve had sinned in the Garden of Eden, God made them a prom­ ise that showed His great love. He had to send them out of the Garden after they had sinned. He provided clothes and a , place to live, and He allowed them to work for their food. You remember how He cared for Noah and for Abraham and his family, how He led Moses and the children of Israel out of Egypt into the Promised Land, how He gave them proph­ ets and priests and kings to rule over them and to guide them, how at last He kept His promise which was made to Adam and Eve, and sent “ his only begotten Son” into the world “that whosoever believeth in < w > * Jesus’ Rule o f Love J o h n 15:1-16 down in the Bible to help people live the w a y G o d wants them to, and when we read these rules, we find that there is one word which we find in every rule. Perhaps it isn’t writ­

Graphic Picture of Bible

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Object Lesson F illed an d F r u itfu l

Objects: Tw o gloves, a coin, a marble, an imitation cigarette, and a small black rag. (Place the articles in the fingers of one glove, and leave the other glove empty.) Lesson: Would you expect a glove which did not have a hand in it to do any work? No, that would be foolish. These two gloves remind me of what Christ said about fruit-bearing. “ I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5). Just as the glove must have a hand in it to do any work, so we cannot do anything for God unless Christ is abid­ ing within us. This glove for the left hand allows the hand to slip easily into it, but something in the fingers of the other glove will not allow the hand to enter. The things which we find in the fingers of this glove are things that often are found in the lives of people, keeping the Spirit of God from filling them. A black rag fills one finger of the glove. Black reminds us of sin. A coin is in another finger. The love of money keeps Christ out of some lives. Here is a marble, and because it seems to be blocking this lifd, I am afraid it has been used to play “ keeps.” Playing marbles is not wrong in itself, if one does not gamble, but gambling in any form keeps Christ from having full control in the life. I don’t wonder that the hand could not get into the glove with this imitation cigarette in one of the fingers. Now that all these unclean things have been removed from the glove, notice how easily the hand slips into the glove. Christ longs to abide in the hearts of people, and thereby make them fruitful in working for Him, but they often are so filled with worldly things that He cannot get in or cannot have all of each heart. When one realizes that there is anything in the life which keeps Christ from abiding within, it should be removed, in the strength which God gives. Christ then will have all of the life, and He will make it fruitful.

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