King's Business - 1937-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1937

DoesYour ENGLISH Help^HurtYou? Sherwin Cody’s remarkable invention has enabled more than 115,000 people to correct their mistakes in English* Only 15 minutes a day required to im­ prove your speech and writing.

Girls' Query Corner Conducted by M y r t l e E. S cott

Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks St., West Hollywood, Calif., and a stamped envelope should be enclosed for reply. No name will appear with the questions chosen for publication. Dear Miss Scott:

have to bear it. The prayer, “ God be mer­ ciful to me a sinner,” is one He is longing to hear and quick to answer whenever one of us utters it from the heart. Then thank Him for eternal life, remembering it is His promise, “ Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). As you come, you may rest assured that God is fulfilling His promise. T o doubt it is to doubt God’s veracity. When you have accepted Him, read 1 John 5:12: “ He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” Ask yourself this question: “Because I have accepted Him, what have I according to His own Word ?” You see it is not a matter of feeling but of believ­ ing God’s Word and of knowing the work is done because He says so. Go on to the next verse, and you will see that we can not only “believe” but also “ know” that we have eternal life. After you have believed on Him, there is another thing the Word tells you to do. That is to confess Him as your Saviour before men (Matt. 10:32, 33; Rom. 10:9, 10). This should be your first act of obe­ dience to the will of God as His born- again child. Your faith will be strength­ ened as you confess Him before others. When you are saved, you will want to work for Christ to show Him your love and gratitude for what He has done for you (Tit. 3:8). As you serve Him and learn to know Him through communion with Him in daily prayer and Bible reading, you will find Him more and more precious to you, and your emotions will be stirred until your cup overflows with “joy unspeak­ able and full of glory.” But remember that this service is the result, not the condition, of salvation. If Satan tempts you to doubt the reality o f your salvation, read again the plain statements and promises of the Word, and remember that it is not on man’s idea of how you may be saved but upon God’s sure Word that you can rest. The use of God’s Word will drive away the doubts which Satan will try to plant in your heart. A LETTER TO BIOLA Guatemala, Central America. I am a missionary more than eighty years old, almost blind, with no re­ sources—but I do have $5.00, and not much more. If I should lose it, or through accident I should have to spend it, probably no catastrophe would occur; therefore I’m able to help to that amount. Yours very truly, P. S. Since writing the above, the Lord has sent me $10.00, from whence I do not know!

W ill you please tell me how to be saved? I have asked Christians and ministers, and they tell me to join the church, take com­ munion, be baptized, and do other similar things. I have done all that, and still I feel a lack. I need something more, but I do not know what it is. I hope you may be able to help me. M y Dear: So many letters similar to yours are com­ ing to me that I have decided to use this opportunity to indicate a few Bible verses on this most important theme. I shall write you more fully, personally, but I am pray­ ing that these verses may point you and others to Christ and help some Christian to know how to lead a soul to Him. Since this work of soul-winning is the principal reason for the existence of the church, and the chief task of the Christian, it is tragic that not every Christian is able to use the Word, which is the Sword of the Spirit, to win souls for the Lord Jesus. I am glad you are earnest enough not to rest until you know on the right author­ ity—and that authority is God’s Word— that you are saved. “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Prov. 16:25). Those who are resting in church membership or anything else other than the atoning work of Christ, will awaken some day from their false sense of security; but, alas, for those to whom this experi­ ence comes in the day of judgment, it will be too late. You are on the right road when you realize you are a sinner needing to be saved. “ All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way” (Isa. 53:6). “Except a man be born again, he- cannot see the kingdom of God”' (John 3:3). I will indicate verses for you to find in your Bible and to read for yourself. James 2:10 and Romans 3:20^frill show how im­ possible it is for you to save yourself. It is the Lord’s work, not yours, that avails. Now read John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:8, 9 to see that God offers salvation to you as a free gift which He has already pro­ vided for you. In John 5:24, notice the present tense in the words “ hath everlasting life” and “ is passed from death into life.” What have you now if you believe? What does it mean to believe? John 1:12 shows that “ believing” in the Bible sense is not a mere intellectual assent to a truth but is the receiving of Jesus Christ. W ill you not just now accept Him by simple faith, remembering that He died for your sin that you might live? As you kneel before Him, thank God that He loved you so much that in Christ He bore the penalty of your sin so you would not

iy i AN Y persons say, i f x «DJd you h e a r from him today ?’* They should say, “ Have you heard from him to­ day?** Some spell “ cal­ endar** “ calender** or “ calander.** Still oth­ ers say “ between you and I** instead o f “ be­ tween you and me.** It is astonishing how often “ who** is used fo r “ whom,** and how frequently the simplest w o r d s are mispro­ nounced. Few k n o w whether to spell cer­

tain words with one or two “ c*s** or “ m*s** or “ r’s,** or with “ ie” or “ ei.** Most persons use only common words, colorless, flat, ordinary. Their speech and their letters are lifeless, monotonous, humdrum. Every time they talk or write they show themselves lacking in the essential points o f English. Wonderful New Invention For many years Mr. Cody studied the problem o f creating instinctive habits o f using good English. A fter countless experiments he finally invented a simple method by which you can acquire a better command o f the English lan­ guage in only 15 minutes a day. N ow you can stop^ making the mistakes which have been hurting you. Mr. Cody’s students have secured more improvement in five weeks than previous­ ly had been obtained by other pupils in two years! Learn By Habit—Not By Rules Under old methods rules are memorized, but correct habits are not formed. Finally the rules themselves are forgotten. The new Sherwin Cody method provides fo r the formation of correct habits by calling to your attention con­ stantly only the mistakes you yourself make. One o f the wonderful things about Mr. Cody’s course is tlm speed with which these habit­ form ing practice drills can be carried out. You can write the answers to fifty questions in 15 minutes and correct your work in 5 minutes m ore. The drudgery and work o f copying have been ended by Mr. C ody! You concentrate al­ ways on your own mistakes until it becomes “ second nature’* to speak and write correctly. FREE— Book On English A new book explaining Mr. Cody’s remark« able method is ready. I f you are ever embar­ rassed by mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, or if you can not instantly command the exact words with which to express your ideas, this new free book, “ H ow You Can Master Good English— in 15 Minutes a Day,** will prove a revelation to you. Send the coupon or a letter or postal card fo r it now. N o agent will call. SHERW IN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, 7310 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. SHERW IN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, 7310 Searle Building, Rochester, N . Y . Please send me, without any obligation on my part, your new free book “ H ow You Can Master Good English— in 15 Minutes a Day.**

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