King's Business - 1937-10

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Helps for the Leader I. W h a t I f ---?

NOVEMBER 28, 1937 SUPPOSE THERE HAD BEEN NO MISSIONARIES! M atth e w 28:19, 20; L u k e 24:47; A cts 2:39 Meditation on the Lesson Last words of a departing friend are al­ ways very impressive and sacred, especially if the time of that one’s return is unknown. When the Lord Jesus Christ was about to return to His Father in heaven, His disci­ ples went away from the rush of the me­ tropolis “into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them” (Matt. 28:16), and there He gave them their charge. In expressing His wish, desire, and commandment to the believers gath­ ered there, He gave His commission to us as well as to them, for He has not changed His message since that time. Until further notice we are to continue proclaim­ ing salvation in the same manner as did the early disciples, who were looking for their Lord to return in glory at any time, just as we are today. Threefold in its challenge, the Great Commission contains a great provision, “All power is given unto me” ; a great pro­ nouncement, “ Go ye therefore,” and a great promise, “Lo, I am with you alway.” Knowing that His disciples would be stag­ gered by the magnitude of the task set for them, the Lord Jesus prefaced His command with a most satisfying state­ ment. He reminded them that to Him was given all power (R. V., “ all authority” ) in heaven and in earth. Upon that basis He said: “ Go ye therefore, and teach all na­ tions, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” He did not leave them to their own resources, for He knew how inadequate these were. To reassure them of the power which would always be theirs, He declared that He would be with them constantly—He, in whom was resident all power. What if those first disciples had re­ sponded to the call as indifferently as many of us have done today? Would we now know the joy and assurance that comes from believing in Jesus Christ as Saviour? Very possibly we would be in a condition similar to that found in the heart of Africa or China, where sin and super­ stition dominate the lives of debased, be­ nighted souls. When American young women contrast their own circumstances with the unbelievably bitter lot of millions of their sisters in the nations and tribes that are practically untouched by the gos­ pel, they can see a concrete instance of what the gospel of Christ has done for women in Christendom. Paul’s prompt response to the plea, “ Come over into Macedonia, and help us,” re­ sulted in the establishing of the first gos­ pel witness ihi Europe, which is the home­ land of most of our ancestors. Millions are still calling to us from lands whose darkness the rays of the Light of the World have never penetrated. The provi­ sion, the pronouncement, and the promise are still the same. Who will go?

0urFRECATALOGSa,es Money for Foreign Missionaries FO REIG N M IS S IO N A R IE S everywhero have confidence in our Missionary Bureau as the most economical source for personal supplies and mission equipment of high quality. SE C R E T A R IE S and Purchasing Agents of For­ eign Missions find that our free catalog with its 45,000 separate items and our spedai dis­ count list enable them to save money for their stations. M ISSIO N Boards can economize by selecting hardware, paints and other building materials from our catalog, for shipment abroad. If you wish a Montgomery Ward catalog for export use only, write TODAY for a free copy. M O N T G O M E R Y W A R D Dept. X Export Missionary Unit, Chicago, U. S. A. "G o West Young Man!" A short, fascinating autobiography with a m essage, of a Wyo­ ming cowboy who Js now "riding the range for God." You'll like it. 50 pages, nicely done, illustrated. Prices including postage: single copy 35c. 3 copies $1.00; lots 10 or more 25c a copy. Order from THE BUNK HOUSE 124 N. Florence Burbank, Calif.

While Paul was in Asia, the call came for him to go to Europe, the Spirit having forbidden him to go eastward as he had desired to do. The memorable journey of the Pilgrim Fathers in 1620 was noth­ ing in comparison with that trip made a . d . 52 by a little group of missionaries, led by Paul. They carried the seeds of life to Europe. In venture and accomplish­ ment, Paul outrivaled Caesar, Alexander, or Columbus. Had he not gone westward, missionaries from Japan and China now might be coming to America.— S elected . II. B eckoning H ands In many localities the heathen are stretch­ ing out their hands for the messengers of the gospel. Bishop Taylor tells of a vil­ lage in Africa where he called for a day with his little missionary boat, but was not able to remain or leave a missionary with them. They were bitterly disappointed and long entreated him to alter his pur­ pose and leave a teacher among them. As he sailed up the river he saw them stand­ ing on the bank beckoning him with eager entreaty. Tw o days later he returned, sail­ ing down the stream. As he passed the village, the natives were still upon the hanks watching for him. As they saw that he did not intend to land, they became w ild in their gesticulation and cries, wav­ ing their arms, leaping high in the air, shouting and trying in every way to at­ tract his attention. He felt the appeal in every fiber of his being, but he could do nothing. He had no one to leave, and as he sailed down the river, his heart was broken with the sight.—A. B . S im pso n . III. C omm issioned 1. The Christian missionary enterprise is Christ’s own enterprise. The Great Com­ mission, “ Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,” is His personal commission. It is the state­ ment of His will, the expression of His desire. But it is more. It is His clear, explicit, imperative command. Nor was this command qualified by any conditions of ease, convenience, or safety. It was sim­ ply the peremptory “ Go.” Nor has it ever been revoked. It concerns Christ’s follow­ ers today not one whit less than that group of disciples who heard the words from ’the Master’s own lips. How, then, can any one of us confess Him as Saviour and acknowledge Him as Master, and yet fail to recognize and respond to the per­ sonal implications of His great mission­ ary commission?— R obert H a ll G lover . 2 . In one of the wars a regiment received orders to plant a cannon on the top of a certain hill. The soldiers moved the can­ non to the base of the hill, but could not get it to the top. “Men,” cried the officer, “ it must be done; I’ve got the order in my pocket.” So the church has received her orders from her Lord, and the evangeliza­ tion of the world must be done. It may cost money, men and many sacrifices, but it must be done. When the church sees that, it will be done.— R. P. A nderson .

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SEND and SELL Greeting Cards with TRUE c h r i s t j a » Ts •Our box of 24 Deluxe Scripture Text Christmas Polders is without doubt the best value on the market. A $1.75 Value sent to you postpaid for 60c. Two or more boxes 50c eaoh. For 4 boxes each containing 15 lovely Christ­ mas Cards and Folders with Scripture Texts, send $1.00. A ll have envelopes to match. Satisfaction guaranteed. We feature 9 other assortments. Organized groups raise funds!! Customers waiting everywhere. No experience needed. 'Sk.D herd’B Town Card Co., Dent. RP, Shopherdotnwn. Pm.

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