King's Business - 1937-10

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


“UNFOLDS” theBIBLE The New ANALYTICAL BIBLE Nearly 2000 pages ! 42 charts, 27 m aps! A whole Biblical library in one volume I 200- page Biblical Dictionary, 66 introductions to the books of the Bible, 66 Bible outlines, Contemporaneous History, K ing James Version with 5566 cor­ rected renderings from the American Standard version. Endorsed and used by over 20,000 o f A m e r ic a ’ s ministers, teachers, and students. Send for free Catalogue JO HN A. D ICKSON PUB. CO . 804 S. Jefferson St. CH ICAG O , ILL. SEE RUSSIA! THROUGH CHRISTIAN EYES. “ THE GOSPEL IN RUSSIA” Free Copy for a Postal Card. All-Russian Evang. Christian Union 156 fifth Avenue, New York City FREE BIBLE COURSE with each copy of New Analytical Bible. 72-page book (23 di­ visions, over 1500 q u e stio n s) by Dr. Jam es R. K aye, PH.D,. LL.D., one of America*s forem ost Bible scholars. The only Bible having chain of thought references imme­ diately below and in connec­ tion with the verses.

who would far rather have you pray be­ fore you leave your room in the morning than have all thé Christmas presents in the world.—J. D ouglas A dam . NOVEMBER 13 Unlimited Riches “ For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich” (2 Cor. 8:9). The youngest child of God, the youngest convert to the Lord Jesus, has a whole Christ, and nothing else; and the most aged saint, having the greatest experience, has a whole Christ, and nothing more. We need the experience of the blessing as granted b y the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in His Gift of gifts—all other gifts in one—Christ.. . . The Gift He gives us is like a, large casket full of choice jewels in which we find the neces­ sary provision for our daily use. —W . P. M ackay . “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and'the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2 : 20 ) . The Christian faith is not simply super­ natural in its Godward aspects,. . . It is not simply Christ dying for the sinner. It is • M ODERN D IS C O V E R IE S W H ICH H ELP US T O B E ­ LIEVE George McCready Price This book is written to prove that there are great numbers of objec­ tive facts which are on the side of the old-time Christian beliefs. .$1.50 • IMMENSITY Clarence H. Benson God's greatness seen in creation I A book on Astronomy written for pop­ ular reading. The author takes the Bible into consideration at every step and shows the Creator greater than the Creation...................... $1.50 • THE BIBLE CONFIRMED BY SCIENCE W. Bell Dawson, Sc.D. Dr. Dawson, a Gold Medalist in Geology and Natural Science, clear­ ly shows that Scripture is corrobo­ rated by all that is most reliable in science. Excellent for Young Peo­ ple, especially University Students. . NOVEMBER 14 Dying and Living with Christ

NOVEMBER 11 Fervent Love

"And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ” (Acts 5:42). The love which the early Christians felt toward the Lord was not a quiet emotion which they hid within, and which they only spoke of when they met on the first day of the week, and sang hymns in honor of Christ Jesus the crucified, but it was a passion with them of such a vehe­ ment and all-consuming energy, that it was visible in their actions, spoken in their common talk, and looked out of their eyes even in their commonest glances. Love to Jesus was a flame which fed upon the core and heart of their being; and, there­ fore, from its own force burned its way into the outer man, and shone there. — C harles H addon S purgeon . "Novo when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13). If we do not pray, we are at our worst, and we have no right to be at our worst in relation to other people. W e are bound to be at our best, and we can only be at our best if we pray. In praying, we bring something to others, not only spiritually but socially. There are people about you Dr. Rimmer has written this fasci­ nating book to show that the Work of God and the Word of God are in perfect harmony ...................... $2.00 • RUL ING LINES OF P R O ­ GRESSIVE REVELATION W. Graham Scroggie, D.D. This book traces the ruling lines of teaching throughout the ages and emphasizes the unity and harmony of the revealed tru th ................$1.50 • THE A R C H A E O L O G Y OF PALESTINE AND THE BIBLE William Foxwell Albright New — Revised — Enlarged I The author here traces the discovery of Palestine by means of excavations. He describes the civilizations found, layer by layer; and he writes of the new light thrown by archaeology upon the Bible............................. $2.00 NOVEMBER 12 Prayerful Personalities


Science is found to be an asset— not a liability — to the Christian faith I Knowledge formerly enjoyed by a few scholars is here brought to the common people, and testifies to the historical trustworthiness of the Bible ............................................ $ 1 0 0 • ALL ABOUT THE BIBLE Sidney Collett Its Origin, Its Language, Its Transla­ tion, Its Canon, Its Symbols, Its In­ spiration, Its Alleged Errors and Contradictions, Its Plan, Its Science, Its R ivals.......................................$ 1.50 • A SC IEN T IF IC MAN AND THE BIBLE Howard A, Kelly, M.D., LL.D. Dr. Kelly, Professor Emeritus of Johns Hopkins University, has stud­ ied the Bible by scientific methods, and he believes the whole Book. He gives here his intimate, personal testimony, telling simply and clearly that a scientific man can believe the Bible! ............................................,$1.50

BIOLA BOOK ROOM 5 6 0 South Hope St., Los Angeles, California


. , , . . Fundamental L i t e r a t u r e ................................

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