King's Business - 1937-10

October, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Stimulated by the action of the United States Government in selecting the Life; Annuity as the basis of its Social Security Plan, 2 9 ,9 5 4 ,8 2 1 Americans have invested in Annuities within two years. When issued by the Federa l Government or one of the great life insurance com­ panies who have distributed to their contract holders more than $ 4 1 ,9 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 during the past ninety-two years, annuities have proved to be the safest form of money investment on earth. Insured Annuities purchased through the Bible Institute of Los Angeles CON­ TAIN A GIFT TO THE INSTITUTE, this gift being your recognition of your respon­ sibility as one of God's stewards. At the same time, these annuities provide you with the most secure investment and the highest income procurable from any guaranteed contract. Through our special arrangements with several leading Life Insurance Com­ panies, a large portion of your annuity payment becomes at once available for Institute needs, while you secure a liberal income CALCULATED ON THE WHOLE SUM YOU INVEST. Send today for our FREE booklet, "WHY PURCHASE AN INSURED ANNUITY?" which will tell you in detail how Christian leaders, charged with the investment of large sums for the benefit of retired clergymen, worked out the Insured Annuity, and just why it is the safest form of Christian investment ever devised. The rate is determined by your age decade, being 6 % (or more) in the sixties; 7 % (or more) in the seventies; 8 % (or more) in the eighties; but no higher for later ages. As the number of booklets available is very limited, write today before you lay aside this magazine. No obligation incurred. Address: THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. E. J. PETERSON, Business Manager 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA

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