King's Business - 1937-10

October, 1937

T H t K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


the circuit can be made with A. C. Huston, 2737 Des Moines St., Des Moines, Iowa. Since the spring conference of the Iowa As­ sociation at Waterloo, many membership enrollments in the Association have been received. The officers feel certain that many other Iowa fundamental pastors and laymen would benefit from allying themselves with this organization, and they urgently invite applications for membership. The Iowa Association’s next annual conference will be held May 8 to 15 in conjunction with the World’s Christian Fundamentals Confer­ ence in the Walnut Street Baptist Church at Waterloo, Iowa. Bible Mastery Campaign Securing more intensive Bible reading and study by laymen and also resulting in a greater trend toward expository preach­ ing, the Bible Mastery Campaign is being sponsored for the eighth consecutive year by the Presbytery of Seattle, Wash. For the month of October, all Christians and churches following this plan will concen­ trate on a study of the Epistle to the Ro­ mans, the book chosen for this year. A four-page leaflet setting forth the movement may be secured if an addressed, stamped envelope is sent to Rev. C. J. Bop- pell, Chairman of the Bible Mastery Cam­ paign, 2666 37th Ave., S. W., Seattle, Wash. Talks on Health

that He may help you in the responsibility of parenthood. Bible school leaders, evangelize every class in your Bible school. Teachers, teach the gospel in every lesson, and pray and work until every member of your class knows Christ as a personal Saviour, and continually go out to bring in more to evangelize. The coming army must be evangelized! World’ s Christian Fundamentals Association C. G. Arras, Burley, Ida., a field worker for the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association, was seriously injured, as was Mrs. Arras also, in a motor accident in the summer. They are recovering slowly, and it is hoped that Mr. Arras will be restored sufficiently to hold Bible conferences this fall as he had planned. Alvin O. Carlson, 1625 E. Sixth St., Superior, Wis., Regional Chairman of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion, has been spending his vacation period holding a number of Bible conferences in Canada. He is now organizing Bible con­ ference circuits in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Michigan. B. W . Clover, Boise, Ida., President of the Idaho Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion and well known as a Bible teacher and evangelist, held a Prophetic Bible Confer­ ence for several weeks in the Revival Cen­ ter Tabernacle of which W . E. Menold is pastor in Spokane, Wash. Mr. Clover is planning a Bible conference in Boise and other places in Idaho this fall. He hopes soon to have a Bible conference circuit established in Idaho. Linnea Bengstrom, General Secretary of the Iowa Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion, writes of the State Association’s plan to form a Bible conference circuit among churches in Iowa. Arrangements to enter Enlisting new members continually, the Biola Prayer Circle is, as its name implies, world-wide in its ministry. Hundreds of the Lord’s children have entered into cove­ nant with Him to spend one hour each week in prayer for Biola. How important is this fellowship in prayer, no one on earth can estimate 1 The attitude of the Institute’s praying friends is indicated in excerpts from letters from two members of the Prayer Circle. “ By God’s grace,” writes a friend in Cali­ fornia, “ I will be faithful in prayer at the hour which I have chosen, Wednesday morning, from six to seven o’clock. May God strengthen my weak body so that I can keep faithfully my solemn pledge to Him.” Another friend, who lives in Colfax, Wash., writes: “Being a reader of T he K ing ’ s B usiness and a prayer helper, I consider it truly a joy to contribute to the support of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Know­ ing what this Bible Institute stands for, and that it has manifestly had the blessing of God in the past, I believe that its work must continue, and I pray that the grace

child evangelism has its chart and compass in the Scripture, and those who have caught the vision are zealous to evangelize Amer­ ica’s youthful' army. In the home, at the school, and on the street, as well as in the Bible school and church, children always may be found who have not heard of the Saviour. Tell them the story of His love, watch their happy faces as they one by one enthrone Him in their hearts, and follow them through the years as they worship and serve their Lord and win others to the way of life. During the plastic years of childhood, these young boys and girls are wax to receive, and granite to retain. The call of child evangelism is to all. Parents, lead your children to the Lord,

Choir r A M / M C Hangings, Bible Markers, etc. Fine materials, beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. State your needs. Catalog and samples on request. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 S. 4th St., Greenville, 111.

A Message for Every Arthritic Menus and diet aids for the Arthritic By MILDRED LAGER Sensible Suggestions that will help you Prepaid 30c HOUSE OF BETTER LIVING 1207 West 6th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. W rite fo r free catalogue o f natural foods. f NE VSt ■ n Ü D 4GS m i s y

Mildred Lager, who owns and operates the House of Better Living, 1207 W . Sixth Street, Los Angeles, Calif., studied tropical foods first-hand in the Hawaiian Islands this summer. Miss Lagei; is an authority on the subject of natural foods. She may be heard four days each week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, at 7:45 A.M., over radio station KECA, Los Angeles. Her cheery broadcasts furnish suggestions for healthful living. Biola's World-Wide Prayer Circle By C hristina J. B raskamp , Secretary

Bring inspirational singing to your church in all its departments with the aid of this book compiled by P. P. Bilhom. To the old favorites and stand* ard hymns are added 100 new songs published for the first time in any song book. 327 musical numbers bound in blue cloth and manila. Prices:— per 100, not prepaid, $40 and $25. Write today for returnable sample. We have taken over all the copyrights and publications of the Bilhom Brothers, Music Publishers. Ask For FREE Music Catalog.

of God may be seen ever more clearly in the coming days.” The need of this school is for more inter­ cessors—for those who will remember be­ fore the Lord each phase of the Institute’s activities. The attached explanation and application is for the convenience of any who may wish to join the Prayer Circle. B IOLA ’S W O R L D -W ID E P R A Y E R CIRCLE E xplanation: Friends w ho desire m em ­ bership in B iola's W orld -W id e Prayer C ircle are invited to select one hour in the week (d a y o r evening) when they will p ray fo r the Bible Institute o f Los A ngeles. W hen the hour has been chosen, and the Institute has been inform ed o f this fact, a gold star will be placed on the official prayer chart, and a number will be assigned to the new m ember. All nam es will be kept in absolute confidence. A p plication : 1 hereby volunteer to pray one hour each week fo r the w ork of. Biola and the supply o f its financial needs for the com ing sch ool year. Name ................. ....................................................... A ddress ..................................................................... A.M . H our selected ................................o 'clo ck P.M. E ach ............................................................................ (D a y o f the week)

L I L L E N A S P U B L I S H I N G CO . 2923 Troost Avenue, Dept. K, Kansas City, Mo.

ALL SCRIPTURE LITERATURE True to the W ord o f God because it is the W ord o f God 106% Rulers, Pencils, Blotters, Post Cards, Calendars, Tracts, Mottoes, Stationery, Mir­ rors, and other articles. W rite for catalog. THE WORD COMPANY 6602 Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles, Calife




H O T E L MRS. R. A . GREEN Proprietor 605 SOUTH FLOWER STREET LO S ANGELES, CALIF. One block west of Bible Institute Soliciting the business of particular Christians

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