King's Business - 1937-10


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

October, 1937

A L IBERAL OFFER T h e K in g ’s Business Annual subscriptions to The King’s Business are offered with the books shown below at the special prices quoted. This is a rare opportunity to get THE READERS’ BIBLE, or THE NEW HOME, OFFICE and SCHOOL DICTIONARY, or the well-known devotional book, STREAMS INTHE DESERT, on exceptionally favorable terms. THE READERS’ BIBLE Authorized King James' Version

Contains Bible Readers' Aids, Concordance, 8 Colored Maps, 7 Halftones, and Family Register. Bound in black artificial leather, flexible, divinity circuit, gold stamped front and backbone, round corners, red edges, headbands, 1024 pages, boxed. Nice clear type.

ATT T o cover cost o f ORTÌFRQ mallinfir’ p l e a s e U K U JjiK b add 20 cents to your K ing’s Business subscrip­ tion— $1.70 in all.

The New Home, Office and School


Bound in black semi-flexible artificial leather, gold stamp­ ed, round corners, red edges, semi-index, printed on white eggshell paper. 38,000 word vocabulary. 928 pages. 32 Colored Maps, Dictionary of Commerce and Law, Diction­ ary o f Synonyms and Anto­ nyms, Population o f cities in the United States.

To cover cost o f mailing, please add 25 cents to your King’s Business

ORDERS subscription— $1.75 in all.

STREAMS IN THE DESERT, by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman.—The most popular devotional book in the Biola Book Room. Arranged for daily reading. W ith one year’s full paid subscription, to The King’s Business, $2.25 in alL

THE KING 'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. I desire to receive THE K IN G 'S BUSINESS for one year and a copy of the book which I have checked. I g JJÇJ.0*®;.|_ _ __ $1.70 for THE K IN G 'S BUSINESS and THE READERS' BIBLE □ $1.75 for THE KING 'S BUSINESS and THE WEBSTER DICTIONARY □ $2.25 for THE KING 'S BUSINESS and STREAMS IN THE DESERT □


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558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, California


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