King's Business - 1937-10

October, 1937


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

JINSABURO LIFTS fflS CROSS [Continued from page 378] Uncle has bidden her cease, but he cries for it with loud demands and will not be refused, though he is aged jive. Aunt has many trials, but always she bears them as the pure white plum blossom bears cold snow on its bosom. Our church is calling great Bishop from Osaka for every-night meeting and we are asked to assist. I inquired of Uncle but he permitted only half a day, which I joyfully gave to God. We printed on a machine many letters to people about meetings, and some older ones, as me, endeavored with brush the large poster announcements. I thought privately mine were best executed of any, and when Pastor Fujimoto came to inspect, I looked into his eyes and he thought likewise, as I well understood. Later also he gave me papers to paste in long lengths on which to brush Bible texts in giant letters. These he will hang in church between windows. They will reach from top to floor, I think. Many women came for washing cushion- cover cloth, sweeping, and window-glass Clearly and beautifully restating the principles of Christian faith and doctrine, this volume from the pen of a Bible scholar, who is Principal of the Toronto Bible College, deserves recognition as a thorough and comprehensive treatment .of spiritual truth. 2 Every paragraph is suffused with Scripture quotations, and reflects a deep and reverent knowl­ edge of the Word of God. 193 pages. American Tract Society. Cloth. Price $1.50. aAs Christ is central in creation, revelation, and history, so He musta bea central in personal expe­ rience or else one’s life is eccentric and unbalanced, declares the writer of this exceptional treatise. The cross stands in the center of this book because it is central in God’s revelation to man. Perfection and completeness in Jesus Christ are expressed with liter­ ary skill on these pages. 173 pages. American Tract Society. Cloth. Price $1.50. Called Unto Holiness # By RUTH PAXSON Four searching addresses, “ Oneness with Christ,” “ Likeness to Christ,” “ Fullness of Christ,” and “ Wrestlers for Christ” were delivered by Miss Pax- son at the Keswick Convention in England, in the summer of 1936. At the request of many whose hearts were moved through the utterance of the messages, these studies are presented as the four chapters of this book. Here are discussed both the possibility and the * means of the bejiever’s vic­ torious afife #in Christ. The writing isa powerful, abounding in Scripture quotations. It is convinc­ ing, and it stimufates to holy living. 128 pages. Cloth. Marshall, Morgan & Scott. Price 50 cents. Precious Hours in Galatians By MARION McH. HULL For one who desires to *know something of the Greek text of Galatians, this very practical exegeti- cal study will prove a great blessing. Written by one who is a Greek scholar and a lover of the Word, the volume is both devotional and scholarly. The Epistle is unfolded verse by verse in a most thorough and fascinating style. Rich kernels of thought which would otherwise lie hidden are thus opened to the layman. 84 pages. Fundamental Truth Publishers. Paper. Price 35 cents. The Doctor’s Best Love Story By WALTER L. WILSON Dwelling at some length upon each phrase of John 3:16, the author has thoroughly and attrac­ tively expounded the Golden Text of the Bible in another of his popular booklets. The love of God as revealed in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the central theme of this winsome exposition. 127 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Association. Price 20 cents. The Cross o f Christ By GEORGE P. PIERSON The Christian Evangel By JOHN McNICOL

cleansing. One girl I have cognizant of before, as she sometimes assists Mrs. Fuji­ moto with many babies in Sunday-school. She is pretty with white face and large braids of hair hanging down. It is very black hair, and little curls of it fly about as Mrs. McEdward’s do. Matsu Chan has also such hair and uses prodigious per­ fumed medicine to make it lie straightly. I have learned that this girl bears the name of Miss Tatsuda. [T o be continued !] The Eureka Bible Diagram Depicting the logical divisions into which the books of the Bible naturally fall, this diagram clearly indicates the progress of Biblical revelation. Beside the name of each book is written its theme or main line of teaching. The diagram is about twenty- eight inches long, and folds up conveniently into booklet form. For Bible class teachers, this chart should prove very beneficial. All students of the Word will find it helpful. The Eureka Bible Diagram Co., Box 416, Los Angeles, Calif. Price 35 cents per copy postpaid in the U. S. and Canada; foreign countries, 40 cents. Because of its continuing blessing upon the lives of both Jewish and Gentile readers, this “ auto­ biography of a servant” which was placed upon the market a few years ago is again recommended most warmly to K ing ’ s B usiness readers. Half a Century is, as the publisher states, “ the interest­ ing record^ of fifty years spent in the highest pos- sible^ service, filled with remarkable experiences, providential leadings, prayer answers, and demon­ strations of the power “•of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Dr. Gaebelein is an international figure. Having surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ at an early age^ in Germany, he came to America and was providentially led into an out­ standingly successful work among the Jews of New York City. From that ministry grew the well-known publication, Our Hope. To reaaahow God led and used and blessed Dr. Gaebelein is to be spiritually strengthened. 261 pages. Publication Office “ Our Hope.” Cloth. Price $1.75. Communism By JOHN HORSCH Fearlessly publishing the authenticated facts re­ garding Communism and its devastating effects, this booklet is of tremendous worth to the Chris- tion who woulda be #informed regarding ^modern heresies. The article is well written, and is cour­ teous, though uncompromising, toward Communists. 28 pages. } Bible Institute Colportage Associatimi!. Paper. Price 15 cents. Handfuls on Purpose Volume X III Compiled by JAMES SMITH and ROBERT LEE Volume X III of “ Handfuls on Purpose” consists of a textual, topical, and illustrative index to the entire set. This book adds the capstone to a most worth-while series of books which cover the entire Bible in a practical and satisfying manner. It makes the contents of the entire set easily accessible and hence valuable toathe student of the Word of God. All of the preceding volumes (twelve in num­ ber) are also to be highly recommended. 316 pages. Pickering_& Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.50 for any one of the thirteen volumes. Mildmay Conference Report, 1937 With the theme, “ witnesses unto me,” predomi­ nant throughout this volume of spiritually refresh­ ing #messages, a valuable commentary on Christian testimony results from the speeches delivered at the last Mildmay Conference in England. Con­ tributors from many varied fields of endeavor present different angles of the gospel witness, throughout the world, revealing most fruitful methods of winning souls to Christ. The exposition of the Word of God occupies a large place in this commendable report. 78 pages. Marshall, Morgan« & Scott. Paper. Price 80 cents. Half a Century By ARNO C. GAEBELEIN

"Prepare Warl" Or, Arming for Armageddon B y Louis S. Bauman

This is the latest book b y Dr. Bauman— -just? o ff the press. It is an u p -to-d ate re­ view o f the rearmament a ctiv ­ ities o f the nations. It could not be m ore tim ely. Joel plain­ ly teaches that there will be a w orld-w ide cry “ Prepare War,** and the nations w ill beat their plow shares into sw ords, ju st before the return o f the Lion

o f the Tribe o f Judah from the glory above. The booklet is a comm entary on that m arvelous and intensely interesting chapter-:—Joel III. For a prophetic stu ­ dent, it is a book o f the hour— one o f the best this author has yet written. 63 pages. Strikingly original illustrations. Price, 25c per co p y 5 copies $1.00 postpaid O rder from A L A N S . P E A R C E 1925 E . 5th St., Long Beach, Calif.


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Thi* superb collection of gospel Bongs andhymnsmeetsthe musical 1 needs of all departments in the Church. 312 musical numbers— 23 responsivereadings. “ Devotion and Praise’ ’ by Haldor Lillenas is filled with material suitable for Juniorandyouthgroupsin theChurch Sohool. Bound in water-proof blue doth, re­ inforced for hard usage. Also in rope bristol. Prices: Single copies 56c and 40c;per 100,notprepaid,$40 and $25. Returnable copy on request. Ask for FREE music catalog

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