American Consequences - November 2017

Re: This Month’s Two Worst Political Ideas Ever Doesn’t [universal basic income, or] UBI just simplify most of the current subsidies, reduce the fraud, and greatly reduce the administration overhead? – George “Mo” Mouzakis P.J. O’Rourke comment: Mo, you’ve put your finger on the reason that so many experts whom I admire, such as Charles Murray and the late Milton Friedman, have advocated UBI. In an ideal world, you – and they – would be exactly right. I myself have written that we’d save billions by eliminating our welfare and entitlement system and... just give people the money ! However, that’s in the ideal world. We live in the real one. My worries about UBI don’t have so much to do with the idea, as they do with what I predict would be the real-world legislative and regulatory outcomes of trying to institute a UBI. My bet is that we’d end up getting all the current subsidies, fraud, and administrative overhead that we have already plus a whole new (and very expensive) government entitlement for everyone. And that we citizens would go on to vote that entitlement larger and larger as time went on. This is what happens when good ideas get stuffed into the Cuisinart of practical politics. What ingredients will be added to the good ideas in that blender?

A Lottery Nobody Wants to Win... It’s Called a Jubilee. Click here for the full story.

Controversial White House Agenda The White House has been full of controversy, but there’s a new law that will change retirement for millions of folks. Will it affect you? Learn More.

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