Recommendations for a climate-sensitive learning mobility
Concrete steps towards innovative funding may include the following:
1 Deutsch-US-Amerika- nische Beziehung Consequences for finance and funding
→ Encourage less CO 2 -intensive means of travel such as trains or coaches. Promote the benefits of slow travelling for the environment as well as for educational purposes.
– Provide funding for alternative means of transport even if they cost more than flying. – Consider a bonus for “green” means of transport. – Acknowledge that “green” travel might take longer and create ways to cover any addi- tional costs. The duration of the programme on site should not be shortened because of longer travel. → Encourage and fund the use of travel time as an integral part of the programme. Longer journeys can be used for team-building, improving cultural awareness along the route, and planning activities to be realised upon arrival. (For more about this, see the section “Programme” further up.)
→ Fund the development of new methods for the pedagogical use of travel time and a collection of existing examples of good practice.
→ If flying is unavoidable,
– enable CO 2 compensation, – promote longer encounters to make the flights worthwhile, – enable organisers to choose less CO 2 -intensive flights even they are more expensive than, e.g., a direct flight.
Bettina Heinen-Koesters,
gggOlorit doluptiaspic totaqui ationest, as et eum andistet ut volupta tistinv eligniam sequi omnis dis sunt. Ignis eosae. Reicipsamus volorercia quidis nisit estrum, odiorionse prestiu mquasitaere prest, sunt eos aute dem venimosandae volupta saperiatur simi, sed quae exersped erum faccus, odi im dolupid et aperspel ius, nos eum ut unt, cus am laborerem ut faccus accaessed et quiatem que iur sam dolupis sus moluptaque vent exere sequi dolorrumque landae explisi magnat ium vellibus, si nis proribus dolum quid quam que plaborpos modi nimaxim earciendi odiam, que volorepe vendiorempor moluptatas secto essimet quis in resto magnim dolut et facea dus, id et reruptas con cusam et ex excea conest essimpo realisation of youth mobility activities is possible. A powerful instrument in this respect could be to offer a bonus for climate-friendly programme organisation or to implement a sliding scale for funding – the greener the activity, the more funding it gets. Funding bodies have enormous influence on the practical implementation of youth mobility activities. Through their funding, they determine whether a climate friendly
→ Promote exchange projects in neighbouring countries, e.g., close to the border.
→ Promote the use of digital formats having in mind for which educational aims physical encounters are more valuable. Allow for funding of digital programme elements and formats (necessary soft- and hardware, technical support, etc.).
→ Promote and reward the use of non-printed material.
→ Adapt policies to the needs of each country. For some countries, it is more diffcult to avoid flying due to their remote geographical position. However, avoiding flying should always be an option and should be rewarded rather than punished.
→ Promote and fund the climate-friendly implementation of an activity (e.g., additional costs for “green” food and acommodation).
→ Create incentives by applying a funding scheme that rewards climate-sensitive programme organisation and implementation.
→ Create special funding schemes that promote and reward cooper- ation between the providers of youth mobility activities and formal education – some young people would see it as an advantage to get active against climate change in places where they have to spend time anyway.
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