LEMOCC-Recommendations: Climate-sensitive learning mobility

Recommendations for a climate-sensitive learning mobility



1 Deutsch-US-Amerika- nische Beziehung Project Overview

2019/2020: In the “International Project Labs” of IJAB, its partners and its member organisations – climate change is identified as a topic of major interest

2021/2022: Realisation of the LEMOCC project with the aim of developing recommendations for a climate sensitive youth learning mobility


• To gain knowledge on how measures of international youth work can be designed in a more climate-sensitive/eco-friendly way

• To develop recommendations for policy- and decision-makers as well as for the international youth work community of practice

• To develop a collection of good practices , projects and actors in the field at international level

Project partners → 19 organisations in seven countries (see page 22)

Bettina Heinen-Koesters,

Project elements → Partner meetings and international working groups of the partners

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Youth consultation → Questionnaire, focus groups → Workshop " F22 Future me " → Participants: Young people aged 15-30 from China, Estonia, Finland, France, UK, Germany and Türkiye Further project publications → Report: “ Listening to young people: Mobility for future ” by the Institute of Social and Organ- isational Education of the University of Hildesheim, which evaluated 1,527 questionnaires completed by young people from the seven participating countries as well as the results of four focus group sessions → International Mapping: Policies, key actors and examples of good practice → Toolbox: Toolbox for more sustainability in international youth work: Mobility, diet, waste and energy

Further information: https://ijab.de/en/projects/learning-mobility-in-times-of-climate-change



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