Recommendations for a climate-sensitive learning mobility
1 Deutsch-US-Amerika- nische Beziehung Background and context of the recommendations
In developing these recommendations, we have been inspired by the demands of the young people involved in the project. We have also taken into account the diverse realities of the target groups and varying practices of the international youth work organisa- tions involved in the project. It is our aim to inspire those with an interest in this topic to make some initial changes and try out some new climate-sensi- tive approaches. We wanted to know what young people expect of environmentally friendly mobility programmes
Indeed, international youth work not only makes a huge contribution to the development of young people's personalities, skills and self-efficacy, it also plays an important role in sustainable development because it brings young people from around the world together, encourages cooperation between them and helps them develop an understanding of the living conditions of others. It contributes to civic education by fostering the competences that young people urgently need to form a global movement for sustainability: the capacity to work in a team, inter- cultural skills, and an ability to see things from other perspectives. It stimulates learning processes that help develop an understanding of the needs of others and that motivate young people to work together for a sustainable and peaceful world of tomorrow. This calls upon providers of international learning mobility and funding organisations to recognise the impor- tance of a sustainable future and contribute towards making it a reality. In fact, this is exactly what young people expect from international youth work, as the survey made clear. Our project brought together experts in interna- tional youth work and environmental education from seven different countries and public and independent organisations working nationally or at local level. Also, a team of researchers was part of the project. This enabled the results of the youth surveys and the demands of the young people to be analysed, discussed and evaluated from many different perspectives and under different conditions. We are aware that the youth survey is not representative. The majority of the young LEMOCC participants already had relevant experience of mobility. They were sensi- tive to climate change issues and considered them a serious problem. In practice, of course, this does not apply to all target groups for which international youth work offers programmes.
Bettina Heinen-Koesters, gggOlorit doluptiaspic totaqui ationest, as et eum andistet ut volupta tistinv eligniam sequi omnis dis sunt. Ignis eosae. Reicipsamus volorercia quidis nisit estrum, odiorionse prestiu mquasitaere prest, sunt eos aute dem venimosandae volupta saperiatur simi, sed quae exersped erum faccus, odi im dolupid et aperspel ius, nos eum ut unt, cus am laborerem ut faccus accaessed et quiatem que iur sam dolupis sus moluptaque vent exere sequi dolorrumque landae explisi magnat ium vellibus, si nis proribus dolum quid quam que plaborpos modi nimaxim earciendi odiam, que volorepe vendiorempor moluptatas secto essimet quis in resto magnim dolut et facea dus, id et reruptas con cusam et ex excea conest essimpo of environmentally friendly mobility programmes. In the course of the project, the young participants shared their hopes and fears as well as their ideas on how international youth work can develop further in a sustainable, climate-sensitive manner. They stated clearly that experiencing mobility is important to them and that they appreciate the value of international youth work. The LEMOCC project aimed to support the organisations and providers of international youth work on their way towards a climate-sensitive international youth mobility. The views of young people played a central role in this context. We wanted to know what young people expect
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