stress healthcare workers are under now and discuss coping mechanisms that are used so they do not have to sacrifice their health or experience burnout. Cook, Elena- “Food for Thought: Examining the Role of Exercise in Eating Disorder Recovery” (poster session) Eating disorders are a common and serious mental health disorder, with a rising prevalence among athletes. Eating disorders can present severe and life threatening symptoms. Achieving a full recovery is vital to minimize chronic effects. Recovery is a long and challenging process that usually involves a break from normal athletic activities. Due to the high prevalence in athletes it is important to understand treatment protocols for athletes. Through research it has been determined that exercise can be implemented safely into treatment and can even be beneficial to treatment outcomes. Craine, Lauryn- “Murakami and Tasty Things to Examine” (session 1A) This research project analyzes the eating habits of the characters in the fiction by Haruki Murakami and the ways that this is used to forward the plot. My research question, “What do the characters eating habits in Murakami do for character development and plot advancement?”. I am doing this research because when authors have characters eating it is used in order to move the plot. I argue that food/eating habits reveal the social class between the characters that's hidden under the surface. Daxon, Lauryn- “What Society Needs?” (Session 4A) Russel Simons said, “Compassion is the ultimate expression of your highest self”. In understanding that the highest regard is oftentimes not just to oneself, but in the way we serve others. It is understanding that compassion is a catalyst where a new perception is released. This presentation asks, “What Society Needs?”. It creates a venture that through its movement only action can carry out its reaction. In this presentation, I will highlight how compassion spearheaded initiatives in Port au Prince, Haiti; Flint, Michigan; and The Bahamas. In unity we become effective in exertion not just conception. de Boer, Aidan- “The effects of cognitive distraction on working memory” (poster session) This topic of this study is how cognitive distraction affects working memory. Participants were asked to complete the task ‘tower of hanoi’. The tower of hanoi is a mathematical puzzle that tests the working memory of each participant. Participants were split into two groups. One group conducted the task with a distracting sound in the background, the second group conducted the task without noises. Participants were also asked to complete a survey once they were finished. The time it took for participants to complete the task as well as the number of errors each participant made was recorded. Fitzgerald, Kyle- “Mcdonalds Home and Host Markets” (session 1A) This presentation being conducted is based off a project that we are doing in Global Marketplace. It is a group
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