who contributed artwork to poverty. The purpose of this research is to inform people about the poverty rate in India and about artists who have dedicated their time to helping raise awareness of poverty. Research was conducted on artists who contributed their artwork to poverty. Willie Baronet completed an artwork called We Are All Homeless. And Caitlin Beidler founded Redemption Art. Inspired by our research, we decided to dedicate a small series of visual art pieces dedicated to poverty in India. Hansert, Sophia and Kylee Hodgson- “The Disability Arts Movement” (session 3B) An explanation of what is the Disability Arts Movement and how it has affected the disability community. The presentation will also include art created by both disabled arts and the students presenting. The art will be a breakdown of what the disability arts movement is and how the Disability Movement has impacted the lives of disabled people and disabled artists. Harlan, Lachlan- “How to Overcome Your Fear of the Dark” (session 1B) My project is a free verse poetry piece. It describes the feelings of loneliness and confusion, and has slight motivational aspects to try and give it a melancholic but hopeful vibe. There are subtle metaphors geared towards the "fear of the dark" representing the fear of the unknown. However, there is still a feel good triumphant ending, where the author becomes comfortable being in the dark and continues to drive forward. Heard, Dimitria- “Impacts of Covid-19” (poster session) The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the pandemic due to Covid-19 and the psychological well being of society. An online survey was conducted in Google forms with a total of 16 questions. The data was garnered from PY100 students at Missouri Valley College. It was hypothesized that 1.Social distancing and pandemic guidelines had a negative effect on society's mental health, 2. Social distancing is detrimental to society, 3. Isolation in relationships due to pandemic guidelines can cause friction in the relationship lastly 4. Society found it irresponsible not to follow social distancing guidelines. Hernandez, Raul- “Marijuana and the Gateway Hypothesis” (poster session) There’s a hypothesis that marijuana is a gateway to drug abuse for opioids or harder drugs. Scholarly studies are put in place to measure factors of how individuals initiated their use of opioid drugs, substance abuse in youth factors, and a relationship between cigarettes and marijuana use. Results for initiating drug use depended on factors such as being homeless or unemployed. For initiation in the youth, results concluded that many of them had tried tobacco and alcohol before doing harder drugs. Last results supported the reverse gateway hypothesis in which marijuana is a gateway to tobacco instead of opioid drug.
Ibrahim, Amaijah, Amber Newsom and Victoria Heglin- “The Calm after The Storm!” (session 6C) This piece started off as a combination that I choreographed when I was in a bad
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