place, mentally. I taught the combo to Amber and Tori and fell in love with how they looked from the combination and made it into a full dance. I often listen to the song to put my mind at ease. It has a calming feeling to it and watching these two amazing dancers make my vision come to life was all worth it, and frankly watching them dance to my choreography got me out of the funk that I was in. Morris, Johnathan “Benefits if the federal government legalize marijuana.” (poster session) My project is about if the United States legalized marijuana at the federal level. I researched the pros and cons of marijuana and it’s status on being legal or illegal. I talk about the health and physical effects of marijuana. I compare the effects and laws on marijuana to alcohol and how alcohol plays a role in our Society. Lake, Makenzie, Joclin Linares and Franscisco Camacho- “Universal Health Care and Activist Art” (session 3B) According to the US Census Bureau, in 2018, approximately 27.5 million Americans were uninsured and that number was at an upward trend in 2016 (Bureau, U. , 2019). Healthcare is a basic human right and universal healthcare is a sustainable option for the United States. This presentation will aim to demonstrate the need for universal healthcare that words simply cannot through a modern expression of visual art. Linares, Jocelin- “Stability in Parenting and Relationships: The Effects of Parenting on Romantic Relationship Choice.” (poster session) A study was conducted to analyze the relationship between childhood parental attachment and romantic relationships. Research shows that children’s parents or primary caregivers shape their development and influence their intimate relationships. Individuals who were securely attached to their parents during childhood are more likely to have secure romantic relationships. It’s hypothesized that these romantic relationships are based on the subconscious desire to go for partners similar to their opposite sex parent. The survey assessed attachment towards parental figures versus romantic partners. It also compared personality traits between the opposite sex parent and their current or past romantic relationships. Londono, Miguel- “The fear of financial instability in our generation” (session 6A) Most college students finish their respective undergraduate programs and feel unsure about their financial well being. The majority of new graduates entering the workforce understand the need for financial stability, but it is foreign and scary to them. The missing part for them is how to do that. The focus of this research project is to offer some guidelines, suggestions and options that you can pursue as you enter the workforce. The prospect of planning for one’s financial future can be overwhelming but the purpose of this presentation will try to break down those “fears” into comprehensible and useful concepts. Marcus, Simone- “Soccer Pass IQ” (poster session) The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the lack of detail we entail in our day-to-day lives through the idea of inattentional
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