Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020


6 Mitigation Strategy

This section describes the process for developing the mitigation strategy for the Wake County Multi- Jurisdictional HazardMitigation Plan. It describes how the County met the requirements for Planning Step 6 (Set Goals), Planning Step 7 (Review Possible Activities), and Planning Step 8 (Draft an Action Plan). This section includes the following sub-sections:  6.1 Goals and Objectives  6.2 Identification & Analysis of Mitigation Activities 6.1 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Requirement §201.6(c)(3): [The plan shall include] a mitigation strategy that provides the jurisdiction’s blueprint for reducing the potential losses identified in the risk assessment, based on existing authorities, policies, programs and resources, and its ability to expand on and improve these existing tools.

Requirement §201.6(c)(3)(i): [The mitigation strategy section shall include a] description of mitigation goals to reduce or avoid long-term vulnerabilities to the identified hazards.

Goal setting builds upon the findings of Section 4, which documents the hazards and associated risks that threaten the Wake County planning area, and Section 5, which evaluates the capacity of the County to reduce the impact of those hazards. The intent of Goal Setting is to identify areas where improvements to existing capabilities can be made so that community vulnerability is reduced. Goals are also necessary to guide the review of possible mitigation measures. This plan needs to make sure that recommended actions are consistent with what is appropriate for the County and its incorporated municipalities. Mitigation goals need to reflect community priorities and should be consistent with other local plans.  Goals are general guidelines that explain what is to be achieved. They are usually broad-based policy type statements, long term and represent global visions. Goals help define the benefits that the plan is trying to achieve.  Objectives are short term aims that, when combined, form a strategy or course of action to meet a goal. Unlike goals, objectives are specific and measurable. 6.1.1 Coordination with Other Planning Efforts The goals of this plan need to be consistent with and complement the goals of other local planning efforts. The primary planning documents that the goals of this plan should complement and be consistent with are the county and participating jurisdictions’ comprehensive plans. Comprehensive plans are important because they are developed and designed to guide future growth within their communities. Keeping the Hazard Mitigation Plan and Comprehensive Plans consistent ensures that land development is done with awareness and understanding of hazard risk and that mitigation projects complement rather than contradict community development objectives. 6.1.2 Goal Setting At the second planning meetings, held on January 7, 2019 and January 9, 2019, the HMPC reviewed and discussed the goals from the 2015 Plan. The previous goals were as follows: #1 Protect public health, life, safety, and welfare by increasing public awareness and education of hazards and by encouraging collective and individual responsibility for mitigating hazard risks.

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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