Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020


#2 Improve technical capability to respond to hazards and to improve the effectiveness of hazard mitigation actions. #3 Enhance existing or create new policies and ordinances that will help reduce the damaging effects of natural hazards. #4 Minimize threats to life and property by protecting the most vulnerable populations, buildings, and critical facilities through the implementation of cost-effective and technically feasible mitigation actions. #5 Generally reduce the impact of all natural hazards. #6 Ensure that hazard mitigation is considered when redevelopment occurs after a natural disaster. #7 Ensure that disaster response and recovery personnel have the necessary equipment and supplies available in order to serve the public in the event of a disaster. The following changes were proposed to the HMPC:  Re-word Goal #2 to emphasize implementing hazard mitigation in addition to hazard response.  Delete Goal #3 and incorporate it as an objective under the existing Goal #6.  Delete Goal #5.  Modify Goal #6 to include new development in addition to post-disaster redevelopment. Emphasize recovery development and the need for resilience.  Delete Goal #7 and incorporate it as an objective under the existing Goal #2. There were three comments on the goal revisions. For Goal #2, the scope of technical capability was questioned and the group decided it should include administrative resources as well as tools, data, and equipment. For Goal #4, it was recommended that adaptation be included in addition to resiliency, to emphasize the need to consider future conditions during the development and redevelopment processes. For Goal #6, it was recommended that the action specifically include recovery because a current capability gap for the County and jurisdictions is the lack of a recovery plan. With the inclusion of these comments, the HMPC approved of the recommended goal revisions. During the third planning meetings, held on March 4, 2019 and March 8, 2019, the HMPC discussed objectives within each goal in order to better facilitate the development of clearly defined mitigation actions. The revised goals and the newly identified objectives of this plan update are detailed below in Section 6.1.3. 6.1.3 Resulting Goals and Objectives The HMPC agreed upon four general goals for this planning effort and included specific objectives in support of each goal. The refined goals and objectives are as follows: Goal 1 – Protect public health, life, safety, and welfare by increasing public awareness and education of hazards and by encouraging collective and individual responsibility for mitigating hazard risks. Objective 1.1: Develop outreach materials and expand outreach platforms to identify hazard areas and explain risks. Objective 1.2: Seek opportunities to improve warning and notification of hazard events.

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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