Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020


Goal 2 – Improve technical capability (including administrative resources, tools, data, and equipment) to implement hazard mitigation and respond to hazard events. Objective 2.1: Ensure that disaster response and recovery personnel have the necessary equipment and supplies available in order to serve the public in the event of a disaster. Objective 2.2: Seek to fill gaps in local capabilities that will enable improved implementation of mitigation projects. Goal 3 – Minimize threats to life and property by protecting the most vulnerable populations, buildings, and critical facilities through the implementation of cost-effective and technically feasible mitigation actions. Objective 3.1: Retrofit, harden, or otherwise protect critical facilities and infrastructure to protect against damages and ensure continuity of operations during hazard events. Objective 3.2: Implement policies and projects that reduce vulnerabilities of key populations and property at risk. Goal 4 – Incorporate resiliency into future growth by ensuring that hazard mitigation is considered for both new development and post-disaster redevelopment and recovery. Objective 4.1: Enhance existing or create new policies and ordinances that will help reduce the damaging effects of natural hazards. Objective 4.2: Integrate hazard mitigation into existing and new planning efforts.

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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