Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020


 Suitability

o Appropriateness of Action o Community Acceptance o Technical and Administrative Feasibility o Environmental Impact o Legal Conformance o Consistency with Existing Plans and Other Community Goals o Scope of Benefits o Potential to Save Lives o Importance of Benefits o Level of Inconvenience or Unintended Consequence o Losses Avoided o Number of People to Benefit

 Risk Reduction

 Cost

o Estimate of Upfront Cost o Estimate of Ongoing Cost o Benefit to Cost Ratio o Financing Availability o Affordability o Elimination of Repetitive Damages

In accordance with the DMA requirements, an emphasis was placed on the importance of a benefit-cost analysis in determining action priority, as reflected in the prioritization criteria above. For each action, the HMPC considered the benefit-cost analysis in terms of:  Ability of the action to address the problem  Contribution of the action to save life or property  Available technical and administrative resources for implementation  Availability of funding and perceived cost-effectiveness The consideration of these criteria helped to prioritize and refine mitigation actions but did not constitute a full benefit-cost analysis. The cost-effectiveness of any mitigation alternative will be considered in greater detail through performing benefit-cost project analyses when seeking FEMA mitigation grant funding for eligible actions associated with this plan. Using these prioritization criteria, the HMPC’s ratings for each action were input into the North Carolina Emergency Management’s Risk Management Tool (RMT), which provided a ranking of High, Medium, or Low priority. The prioritization ranking for each mitigation action considered by the HMPC is provided in Section 7 Mitigation Action Plans.

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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