Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020


A.3.3 Wildfire Table A.15 summarizes the acreage in unincorporated Wake County that falls within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), categorized by housing density. Areas in the WUI are those where development may intermix with flammable vegetation. Over 25 percent of unincorporated Wake County is not included in the WUI. Table A.15 – Wildland Urban Interface Acreage, Unincorporated Wake County

Housing Density

Total Acreage Percent of Total Acreage

Not in WUI

61,268.0 21,805.8 18,817.7 25,599.6 30,158.9 42,523.2 39,565.4


LT 1hs/40ac

9.1% 7.8%

1hs/40ac to 1hs/20ac 1hs/20ac to 1hs/10ac 1hs/10ac to 1hs/5ac 1hs/5ac to 1hs/2ac 1hs/2ac to 3hs/1ac

10.7% 12.6% 17.7% 16.5%

GT 3hs/1ac





Source: Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment

Figure A.6 depicts the WUI for unincorporated Wake County. The WUI is the area where housing development is built near or among areas of vegetation that may be prone to wildfire. Figure A.7 depicts the Fire Intensity Scale, which indicates the potential severity of fire based on fuel loads, topography, and other factors. Figure A.8 depicts Burn Probability based on landscape conditions, percentile weather, historical ignition patterns, and historical prevention and suppression efforts. Potential fire intensity is highest in northwest and southwest Wake County; however, these areas have lower burn probability and/or are largely outside of the WUI, meaning little to no development is at risk. The area of greatest risk in the County is in the southeast where WUI overlays with moderate burn probability and moderate fire intensity levels. Table A.16 provides building counts and estimated damages for Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) buildings by sector at risk to wildfire hazard. Table A.17provides counts and estimated damages for High Potential Loss Properties in unincorporated Wake County. Table A.16 – Critical Facilities Exposed to Wildfire, Unincorporated Wake County



Number of Buildings at Risk

Estimated Damages

Commercial Facilities Critical Manufacturing Food and Agriculture

Wildfire Hazard Wildfire Hazard Wildfire Hazard Wildfire Hazard

5 4

$7,400,764 $1,485,862 $2,326,874 $11,213,500

54 63

All Categories

Table A.17 – High Potential Loss Properties Exposed to Wildfire, Unincorporated Wake County



Number of Buildings at Risk

Estimated Damages


Wildfire Hazard Wildfire Hazard Wildfire Hazard

1 1 2

$2,740,704 $1,658,293 $4,398,997


All Categories

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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