Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020


Note: This table reports only the civilian labor force. The labor force in armed services accounted for 0.3% or less of the population 16 and over in all jurisdictions. *Population employed, population unemployed, and Population not in labor force are reported as a percent of the total population aged 16 years and older.

Table M.10 – Percent of Employed Population by Occupation, Zebulon, 2017

Management, business, science and arts (%)

Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance (%)

Production, transportation, and material moving (%)

Service (%)

Sales and Office (%)


Wake County

50.1 35.0

13.8 22.9

23.4 20.9

6.0 8.4


Town of Zebulon


Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2013-2017 5-Year Estimates


This section contains a hazard profile and vulnerability assessment for those hazards that were rated with a higher priority for the Town of Zebulon than for Wake County as a whole. Risk and vulnerability findings are also presented here for those hazards that are spatially defined and have variations in risk that could be evaluated quantitatively on a jurisdictional level. The hazards included in this section are: Flood and Wildfire. M.3.1 Flood Table M.11 details the acreage of the Town of Zebulon by flood zone on the effective DFIRM. Per this assessment, over 7 percent of the Town of Zebulon falls within the mapped 1%-annual-chance floodplains. Table M.11 – Flood Zone Acreage in the Town of Zebulon

Flood Zone


Percent of Total (%)

Zone A Zone AE


0.07 7.40 0.72


Zone X (500-year) Zone X Unshaded


8,022.87 8,738.783




Source: FEMA Effective DFIRM; Wake County GIS

Figure M.3 reflects the effective mapped flood hazard zones for the Town of Zebulon, and Figure M.4 displays the depth of flooding estimated to occur in these areas during the 1%-annual-chance flood. To supplement the IRISK assessment of property at risk from the 1% annual chance flood event in Section 4 and provide a clearer picture of the current property at risk in PLACE, current parcel data was evaluated to identify parcels developed since 2010. Using GIS analysis, parcels developed after 2010 were compared to the boundaries of the 1% annual chance floodplain to identify the exposure of newly developed property to the base flood. In most cases, a parcel was considered exposed to the floodplain if any portion of the parcel was located in the floodplain. This assessment does not evaluate flood impacts or provide damage estimates. However, this summary of development in or near the floodplain since 2010 provides some context to understand the degree to which the IRISK exposure and vulnerability numbers differ from current conditions. Table M.12 provides a summary by land class of parcel development located in the 1% annual chance floodplain from January 2011 to April 2019.

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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