Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020


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Regulation (44 CFR 201.6 Local Mitigation Plans) C6. Does the Plan describe a process by which local governments will integrate the requirements of the mitigation plan into other planning mechanisms, such as comprehensive or capital improvement plans, when appropriate? (Requirement §201.6(c)(4)(ii))


Section 8 (p.256- 257) 


ELEMENT C: REQUIRED REVISIONS Element C1-Page 216, This is a simple fix. CRS statement at bottom of page is inconsistent with Table 5.1 checkmarks. Corrected Mitigation Action Tables: C4- Raleigh-PP-2 Status Comments/Explanation-Change "relocation" to "elevation" to match the Description or change description. Corrected C4- Raleigh-ES-6 should be classified as a Property Protection Action #. This would provide an additional "all hazard" action. ES actions are considered "non-mitigation actions", See page 24 in the "Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide". Corrected C4- Holly Springs-ES-1 should be classified as a Property Protection Action #. This would provide an additional "all hazard" action. ES actions are considered "non-mitigation actions", See page 24 in the "Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide". Corrected C4- Holly Springs-ES-6 should be classified as a Prevention Action #. This would provide an additional "all hazard" action. ES actions are considered "non-mitigation actions", See page 24 in the "Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide". Corrected C4- Holly Springs-ES-8 should be classified as a Property Protection Action #. This would provide an additional "all hazard" action. ES actions are considered "non-mitigation actions", See page 24 in the "Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide". Corrected C4- Holly Springs-ES-9 should be classified as a Property Protection Action #. This would provide an additional "all hazard" action. ES actions are considered "non-mitigation actions", See page 24 in the "Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide". Corrected C4- Wake Forest-ES-1 should be classified as a Property Protection Action #. This would provide an additional "all hazard" action. ES actions are considered "non-mitigation actions", See page 24 in the "Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide". Corrected C4- Wake Forest-ES-3 should be classified as a Property Protection Action #. This would provide an additional "all hazard" action. ES actions are considered "non-mitigation actions", See page 24 in the "Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide". Corrected C4- Zebulon -Need to add at least 1 additional "all hazard" action or ensure there are two or more actions for each hazard. Corrected

ELEMENT D. PLAN REVIEW, EVALUATION, AND IMPLEMENTATION (applicable to plan updates only) D1. Was the plan revised to reflect changes in development? (Requirement §201.6(d)(3)) X

Section 3 (p. 24-45), Section 4 (p. 54-209; Asset Inventory, Vulnerability Assessment), Annex A- M  Section 2 (p. 14-23),  Section 5 (p.210- 225) 

D2. Was the plan revised to reflect progress in local mitigation efforts? (Requirement §201.6(d)(3))



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