Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020

A. Plan Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement This section provides a discussion of the strengths of the plan document and identifies areas where these could be improved beyond minimum requirements.

Element A: Planning Process Plan Strengths •

The documented vision statement is; “ Wake County will build upon the success of its past efforts to become more resilient and adaptable to hazards, embrace the need to manage growth with sustainable practices, and make intentional, coordinated decisions that maximize long-term and shared benefits for all.” • Resilient & Adaptable, Sustainable, Intentional, and Coordinated are the key principles that reinforce the vision. • Several citizen stakeholders participated representing each jurisdiction in the HMPC along with representatives from city/county government offices, and RDU. • A Stakeholder List is provided Non-Profit Organizations, Educational Institutions, Surrounding Municipalities, and Business Community participation. • The participating jurisdictions of this plan are looking to utilize it in various ways to make it a meaningful plan. The planning process includes reviewing local plans and policies to assist with plan development and the advancement of effective mitigation strategies. • The capability assessment indicates the participating jurisdictions have majority of the plans, ordinances and programs. Several are consistently under the county plan and there are a few that do not have any indication of the status of a plan. For example, there are limited number of Evacuation Plans, Disaster Recovery Plans, Post-Disaster Redevelopment Ordinances, Community Wildfire Protection Plans. No participants in the Community Rating System.

Opportunities for Improvement Page #23 is duplicated; last page of section 2 is page 23 and the first page of section 3 is also page 23.

The HMP Committee needs to review the document for correctness and completeness prior to submission for formal review by NCEM and FEMA.

Capability Assessments Ratings of Limited, Moderate, and High on page 223 are not defined. In future updates, provide definitions for all ratings, ranking, scoring or any other method used for assessment purposes. This would provide a clearer picture of the intention of any ratings used in the plan.

Element B: Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Plan Strengths •

The plan documents the hazards that are considered high or moderate to focus mitigation efforts. Hazards that are considered low (earthquake and landslides) were evaluated, however, there may not be any mitigation strategies developed. Expressing this provides the reader with an awareness of the intent of the mitigation focus. • The plan draws from each of the community’s plans to document the community’s sustained efforts to incorporate hazard mitigation principles and practices into routine government activities and functions thus establishing a successful and sustainable hazard mitigation program.

Element C: Mitigation Strategy Plan Strengths


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