Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020


PLANNING STEP 3: COORDINATE This planning step credits the incorporation of other plans and other agencies’ efforts into the development of the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Other agencies and organizations must be contacted to determine if they have studies, plans and information pertinent to the Hazard Mitigation Plan, to determine if their programs or initiatives may affect the community’s program, and to see if they could support the community’s efforts. To incorporate stakeholder input into the plan, a variety of stakeholders were identified by the HMPC and sent an email inviting them to attend a public meeting, review the draft plan, and provide feedback and comments. The coordination letter sent via email is provided below. A list of stakeholders detailing their involvement is provided in Table B.3. Stakeholders were also involved through specific requests for data to support the development of the plan.

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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