Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020


Table C.2 – Property Protection Mitigation Options and Recommended Projects

Action #

Mitigation Action

Reason for Pursuing / Not Pursuing


Prevention Measures Considered by HMPC and Not Recommended

Continue to publicize technical assistance for Activity 360 Flood Protection Assistance.

This service is already well-established, and no additional effort is required for ongoing implementation to continue.



Prevention Measures and Funding Recommended for Implementation

Develop ongoing program designed to utilize Federal grant resources to assist private property owners in relocating existing structures out of flood hazard zones. (CRS 500/510/520) Develop an ongoing program designed to utilize Federal grant resources to assist private property owners in elevating existing structures located within flood hazard zones. (CRS 510/530) Develop an ongoing program designed to utilize Federal grant resources to assist private property owners in renovating and retrofitting existing structures in flood hazard zones to reduce vulnerability to flooding damage.

Acquisition and demolition of repetitive loss structures completely removes the flood problem and eliminates vulnerability while also expanding open space and enhancing the land’s natural and beneficial flood management functions. Pre-FIRM properties vulnerable to major flooding should be mitigated to prevent substantial damages, and substantially damaged properties already face high costs to be brought up to code and may benefit from alternative mitigation such as elevation.

HMGP and Stormwater Utility Funding




HMGP, FMA, Stormwater Utility Funding

City staff evaluates potential candidates and approaches property owners for mitigation help.


C.2.3 Natural Resource Protection Resource protection activities are generally aimed at preserving (or in some cases restoring) natural areas. These activities enable the naturally beneficial functions of fields, floodplains, wetlands, and other natural lands to operate more effectively. Natural and beneficial functions of watersheds, floodplains and wetlands include: • Reduction in runoff from rainwater and stormwater in pervious areas • Infiltration that absorbs overland flood flow • Removal and filtering of excess nutrients, pollutants and sediments • Storage of floodwaters • Absorption of flood energy and reduction in flood scour • Water quality improvement • Groundwater recharge • Habitat for flora and fauna • Recreational and aesthetic opportunities As development occurs, many of the above benefits can be achieved through regulatory steps for protecting natural areas or natural functions. This section covers the resource protection programs and standards that can help mitigate the impact of natural hazards, while they improve the overall environment. Six areas were reviewed:

Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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