Wake County Hazard Mitigation Plan - January 2020


specialized skill. Managers must deal with problems like scared children, families that want to bring in their pets, and the potential for an overcrowded facility. Local Implementation /CRS Credit Flash flood warnings are issued by National Weather Service Offices, which have the local and county warning responsibility. Flood warnings are forecasts of coming floods, are distributed to the public by the NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio and television, and through local emergency agencies. The warning message tells the expected degree of flooding, the affected river, when and where flooding will begin, and the expected maximum river level at specific forecast points during flood crest. The County has a Flood Incident Management (FIM) plan, as part of the Emergency Operations Plan. The FIM plan includes flood threat recognition, emergency warning dissemination, flood response operations, and critical facilities planning. The City of Raleigh could receive credit for Activity 610 – Flood Warning Program for maintaining a program that provides timely identification of impending flood threats, disseminates warnings to appropriate floodplain residents, and coordinates flood response activities (based on Wake County’s Emergency Management Program). Community Rating System credits are based on the number and types of warning media that can reach the community's flood prone population. Depending on the location, communities can receive credit for the telephone calling system and more credits for additional measures, like telephone trees. Being designated as a StormReady community also provides additional credits. Table C.4 – Emergency Services Mitigation Options and Recommended Projects Action # Mitigation Action Reason for Pursuing / Not Pursuing Funding Emergency Services Measures Considered by HMPC and Not Recommended

To avoid redundancy, these responsibilities are identified in the County’s Emergency Operations Plan, and the other mitigation projects identified in this FMP can be used as a guide for flood loss reduction in post- disaster mitigation.

Develop post-disaster mitigation procedures that assign responsibilities for public information, code enforcement, planning, and other efforts that encourage loss reduction.



Emergency Services Measures and Funding Recommended for Implementation

Provide and enhance technical rescue capabilities more equitably throughout the City. Provide after-action report of emergency response to severe weather events in order to improve planning for future disasters. Maintain a standard operating guideline to direct operational planning prior to anticipated weather emergencies. Design GIS programming capable of providing real-time data to emergency managers and historic data for future emergency response planning. Continue to conduct disaster tabletop exercise program.

Ensure proper training of first responders to reduce danger when called throughout the City during flooding events. Details from After Action Reports are valuable to help plan for future disasters to know what went well and what went wrong. Staff turnover is a key condition to make sure that SOP’s are in place to guide new staff members. Current up-to-date information is critical to make sure that those in danger can be protected or rescued from that danger. Training and exercises must be conducted so staff is properly trained on all possible issues that may arise in various events.

Operating Budget


Operating Budget


Operating Budget


Operating Budget


Operating Budget


Wake County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019


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