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ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL CHRISTMAS ELVES CAMPAIGN community members in the region have long supported the campaign through donations, fundraisers, and gift-giving. The success of this campaign relies heavily on the support of our community, and i am very grateful for their involvement.” a wide variety of age groups to provide a Christmas gift for 682 children and youths in the Prescott-Russell region.
EAP NEWSROOM news@eap.on.ca
Valoris Prescott-Russell celebrates another successful Christmas Elves campaign to make sure every child in Prescott-Russell found at least one gift waiting for them to unwrap on Christmas Day. “It’s amazing to see the Prescott-Russell community rally around this campaign to ensure bright smiles on the faces of hun- dreds of children over the holidays,” stated Caroline Granger, executive director for Valo- SJT1SFTDPUU3VTTFMMi.BOZPSHBOJ[BUJPOTBOE
The campaign also featured the Third Annual Valoris Christmas Elves Challenge race, organized by the Valoris Foundation. The event saw more than 140 people take part and 20 businesses provide donations to the event. The 2022 Challenge Race raised more than $38,000 to help support the Christmas Elves campaign and other programs for children and youth. throughout the Prescott- Russell region that Valoris serves.
Valoris Prescott-Russell’s Christmas Elves project is an annual campaign to collect suitable gift items for children of families in need within the region. The non-profit social services agency works in partnership with local businesses to set up donation sites for gifts. The campaign marked its 31st year of operation and collected gifts suitable for
Guylaine Lapointe (à gauche), représentante de Valoris, et Louise Cayer Deslauriers, présidente de la Corde à Linge Communautaire de St-Albert, examinent certains des cadeaux pour les enfants et les jeunes recueillis dans le cadre de la campagne 2022 des lutins de Noël de Valoris. —photo fournie
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