PPA | 29 Station Road, Backwell, BS48 3NH



2.1 This site comprises land which currently forms part of the residential curtilage to no.

29 Station Road.

2.2 The site is located within the defined settlement boundary of Backwell, in North

Somerset Council’s administrative area.


3.1 The site has several options for development, which include demolition of the

existing bungalow and replacement with a larger two-storey dwelling or a modest

pair of semi-detached houses. Another option, subject to suitable access and

adequate privacy levels for existing and proposed residents being achieved, could

be redevelopment to provide a detached two-storey property at the front of the

site with a small (single-storey) bungalow or annex within the rear garden.

3.2 The site is located within the defined housing development boundary and

consequently the principle of a new dwelling or dwellings in this location accords

with the adopted spatial strategy (Core Strategy 2017 Policies CS14 ‘Distribution of

new housing’ and CS32 ‘Service Villages’; and Policy DM37 of the Development

Management Policies, July 2017).

3.3 The creation of a new dwelling(s) in this location, being within a Service Village, with

good accessibility to public transport, shops, services, education and employment,

would accord with the sustainable development principles of national and local

policy with respect to directing new development to accessible locations, where

there are alternative modes of travel to the private car, and the need to travel is


3.4 The site is not in a Conservation Area and there are no Listed Buildings in proximity.

There are no protected trees on or adjacent to the site. The site is within Flood Zone

1 and therefore at low probability of flooding from the sea and rivers.

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