5.4 For a pair of semi-detached houses sufficient space will need to be retained either
side of the building to ensure that it does not appear too cramped on the plot. The
side adjacent to the neighbouring bungalow may be particularly sensitive.
5.5 The scale and height of any new build would need to respect the surrounding area.
The site can accommodate two-storey height at the front (i.e. replacing the
bungalow), however a fully hipped roof form may be necessary for the semi-
detached option to off-set the increase in built form and minimise visual impact
within the street-scene. Any development at the rear is likely to be restricted to
5.6 The design of the existing properties in the area is varied and therefore there is
considerable scope for contemporary architecture. The materials used locally are
also varied, although generally properties appear to have a rendered finish with
terracotta roof tiles.
5.7 Parking will need to comply with the adopted parking standards (1 space per 1
bed; 1.5 spaces per 1 bed (2 or more units); 2 spaces per 2 or 3 bed; and 3 spaces
per 4+ bed). Garages can count towards the parking provision but only where they
comply with the size requirements in the adopted Parking Standards SPD.
5.8 Cars would need to be able to turn on the site to leave in forward gear. The Council
would be unlikely to support a scheme where cars need to reverse onto Station
Road due to highway safety considerations and the proximity to Backwell School.
5.9 The provision of parking and turning areas at the front of properties is not
uncommon on this part of Station Road but it is recommended that soft planting is
retained at the site boundaries as well as within the front garden/parking area, to
soften the visual impact. The locations for and types of soft planting should be
indicated on a proposed site plan, however, a condition is likely to be imposed to
secure submission and approval of a detailed scheme, post-decision.
5.10 Consideration could be given to creating a new access onto Station Road should
the location of the existing access in conjunction with the sub station make the
creation of parking difficult.
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